Preparing for Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

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Good preparation for a Blepharoplasty itself may not only help the procedure itself go smoothly, but it can also improve the healing time.  It is also psychologically good practice to feel that you are in control of part of the process.  Remember, you will be undergoing a surgical procedure that involves a general anaesthetic.  It is not something to take lightly or approach unprepared.  It is down to your surgeon to perform the operation smoothly and successfully.  However, if you want the best results possible you need to take responsibility for your body and health ahead of your surgery.

General Preparation for Blepharoplasty

  • Be healthy.  Eat well, cut down on caffeine and alcohol, and ensure you get plenty of regular sleep in the weeks running up to your operation.  The stronger and healthier your body is before the operation, the better it will be able to heal and recover afterwards.
  • If you smoke, stop.  You should be strongly advised to do so by your surgeon; aside from the obvious health risks inherent in smoking, it has a particularly detrimental effect on the skin, and will slow the healing process. 
  • You should receive eye tests to measure your vision, and your tear production.  If you suffer from any kind of dry-eye condition, this could cause serious complications and you should reconsider your suitability for the procedure.  Discuss any concerns with your surgeon.

Pre-Operative Checklist

Before your operation, you should have a comprehensive pre-operative list.  This should include medications you should use (or not), what time prior to the surgery you need to fast (avoiding food and/or drink), and whether there are any other preparatory procedures you should follow.

  • Think ahead.  How are you going to get home?
  • Do you have someone who can stay with you during the initial recovery process?
  • Do you have all the necessary contact details for your surgeon if there are any complications? 

Ensuring you will be safe and comfortable after your operation will greatly improve your peace of mind.

Much of this is common sense, and should be explained as a matter of course during the run-up to your surgery.  However, it is helpful and advisable to make sure that you know exactly what you need to do to make the process as pain-free and effective as possible.  It may also be worth discussing this with a friend or relative ahead of the operation itself, so that they know exactly what to expect, and how they can help, when you are in the initial recovery period. 

Finally, be realistic about the length of your recovery: make sure you book enough time off work, and that you factor in the need for plenty of rest in the weeks following your procedure.

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