Alternatives to Arm Lift Surgery

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If you only have a small area of loose skin under your arms (which often appear due to the natural ageing process) then you might want to consider undergoing an alternative procedure to arm lift surgery that is slightly less invasive. In addition, if you have an underlying condition that puts you at higher risk of complications from a general anaesthetic then an alternative procedure might be more appropriate for you.

Radiofrequency and laser treatment

Radiofrequency treatment tightens the skin around your arms by stimulating the surface of your skin through heating. Heating the skin causes it to produce more collagen (which is a protein that works to tighten the skin) and effectively “melts away” any underlying fat cells (which will further improve the tone and contours of your arms. Laser treatments also act to heat up the underlying fat cells which then liquefy and are disposed of by the body. Infrared treatment works in a very similar way to radiofrequency treatment (using infrared waves instead of radio waves!) and both radiofrequency and infrared treatments will need to be administered by a trained professional. These treatments can tighten your skin up to 20-30% but are most effective if you only have smaller areas of sagging skin.

Endermologie treatment

Endermologie can also be used as a method to try to get rid of you saggy arm skin. During an endermologie treatment a hand held device will be rolled over the skin of your arms. As it rolls across the surface of your arms it sucks at you skin and acts to break down the fat that lies within the skin layers and it is most effective in reducing areas of cellulite that might surround your areas of sagging skin.

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