Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) Procedure

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PAL is used in conjunction with wet, ‘Tumescent’, liposuction, the dry method no longer being an option as technologies have advanced.  Local anaesthetics and other fluids such as epinephrine, (a fluid that helps to tighten blood vessels), are injected into the areas about to be treated.  These allow the greater ease of fat cell breakdown and extraction. 

Once these have been applied small incisions will be made to allow the insertion of the cannula.  The cannula being used will be fitted out with appropriate modifications for your surgery.  These will take the form of vibrating attachments on the tip, which then allow your surgeon to remove fat cells with greater ease, making it easier on the other tissues that are within the area being treated.  These appliances might vibrate in different motions depending upon where the fat cells are or what your surgeon thinks would be most effective to break down your fat cells. 

The incisions made are minimal, and often don’t need sutures.  Leaving the wounds open allows any excess fluid to drain out of the body, and the incisions being so small they ought to heal quickly without the need for stitches.  You can sometimes opt to have this surgery under local or general anaesthetic, people normally having a general anaesthetic if undergoing other surgery at the same time. 

« Power-assisted Liposuction (PAL)