Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) Risks

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Tumescent liposuction, or wet liposuction, is seen as the safest form of liposuction at the moment.  It has been used for a long enough amount of time so that surgeons are familiar with the technique and know a lot about how to perform the surgery and aid recovery.  Risks of liposuction are seriously reduced as the need for a general anaesthetic is not necessary and the amount of bleeding and bruising is reduced as fat cells are specifically targeted by the vibrating cannula.

However, the injections used before the cannula is inserted contain Lidocaine, (a type of local anaesthetic) and Epinephrine, (a fluid that helps to tighten blood vessels so helping to prevent any additional bleeding).  Some people do encounter allergies to Lidocaine, and this can cause obvious risks that are involved with all types of anaesthetics.  Epinephrine can also become toxic if left in the body for too long, something that can occur if too much is injected and the body cannot absorb it.  When this happens it can migrate to the lungs and cause serious health problems for the patient.  However, this is very rare, and surgeons have a good amount of knowledge of the procedure to ensure that this doesn’t occur.

Sometimes the skin above the area being treated can become loose, leading to a wrinkled effect that is both unattractive and embarrassing.  Over time the skin sometimes tightens, but this might need further surgery to rectify. 

« Power-assisted Liposuction (PAL)