How do I know if my Baby is Teething?

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There are a wide variation between the times when children begin to develop their first set of teeth (also known as 'milk' teeth). Whilst some children may have them developed after a year, others will be born with some fully developed milk teeth. In most cases however, it is common for children to have developed their first set of teeth by around two and a half years of age. After the milk teeth are fully developed, you should notice the first signs of their next set of teeth developing at about six years of age.

The period when babies develop their first set of teeth is known as 'teething' and is associated with a range of problems. Studies into teething have found that the eruption of the babies' first set of teeth often corresponds to a rise in body temperature. You will notice the signs when your child starts teething as, in many babies; this is accompanied by a range of symptoms such as drooling, dribbling, irritability and extended periods of crying. A lot of parents also attribute a number of other problems like runny noses, rashes and bouts of bad temper to teething however it is important to note teething shouldn't make your baby ill, so if you are concerned make sure to visit your doctor.

If you are looking for help to soothe your teething baby, then there are a range of products on the market designed for just that purpose. For instance, teething rings, which are soft rings designed for your baby to chew on, have been a popular treatment for teething for many parents. There are also natural alternatives to teething rings such as the crusts of bread or thin slices of carrots. There are a number of soothing gels and ointments which you can apply to your baby's gums to help ease them through teething. The dribbling and excess saliva associated with teething can often cause dry, cracked lips and similar problems. As such, many parents use petroleum jelly or something similar to keep their baby's lips moisturised. If you are concerned that your child has developed a fever, then visit your doctor, they will be able to recommend a range of medications which can help alleviate such symptoms.

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