When do Babies get Teeth?

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When babies develop their first set of teeth or 'milk' teeth, varies greatly. Some children are born with some of their milk teeth fully developed whereas others may take anywhere up to a year to develop any at all. In general, the majority of kids will have a full set of milk teeth by the age of two and a half. The following set of teeth should begin to show at the back of their mouths around about the age of six.

Research indicates that as the babies' teeth push through the gums, a rise in body temperature follows. This can often cause a range of problems for many babies including irritability, prolonged bouts of crying especially at night, drooling and dribbling. Many other types of behaviour and problems such as rashes, runny noses and a bad temper are often attributed to teething but if you are concerned about your baby, then pay your doctor a visit as teething shouldn't cause illness.

Many babies develop sore gums which may become slightly reddened. The cheek may also become slightly flushed on the side where the gum has reddened and this can often cause irritability in babies. Gnawing on objects and dribbling are also commonplace, although it is worth noting these behaviours may not be due to teething.

Fortunately, there are more treatments for teething troubles than ever before. Special sugar-free gels and powders are available to rub on your babies gums and should help to alleviate some of the symptoms. It is important to note that such products shouldn't be used on babies under four months old. Similarly, teething rings are a popular investment for many parents. This soft ring provides something for your baby to chew on but other parents prefer dried bread crusts or thin carrot sticks. If your child has developed a high temperature, then it is worth paying a visit to your doctor. There are several types of medication available, but make sure that the medicine can be used on a baby of your child's age.

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