Health Warnings issued over Type 2 Diabetes Medication, Byetta

The company, Amylin Pharmaceuticals has issued a new label for the drug Byetta which now indicates health warnings for reported kidney failure. This follows the Food and Drug Administration’s statement earlier this month, classing Byetta as a drug that can be used alone to treat type 2 diabetes.

The drug Byetta was first introduced in 2005 as an additional medication for people suffering from type 2 diabetes who found that the other drug they were taking did not control their blood sugar levels efficiently. In these cases Byetta was administered alongside the first drug. However, less than a week ago Byetta become a stand-alone drug which worryingly adds to the impact of the latest headlines regarding the drug. People are now being urged to pay close attention to any signs of kidney failure when using Byetta. The drug is also being deemed unsafe for people with kidney impairments or end-stage kidney disease.

If you are concerned about your taking of Byetta, common side-effects to be aware of are; nausea, diarrhea and sickness. Equally, people who have any form of kidney problems are approached with caution for increased dosages of Byetta or the administration of the drug as a whole.

Whilst the drug does seem to harbour some dangerous side effects, it must be clear that out of nearly seven million prescriptions of the drug, there were eighty reported kidney function problems. The label is merely a precaution for anyone who could be at risk of kidney problems through the usage of Byetta.

Thursday 26th November 2009

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