Berries Could Cure Diabetes

Saturday 5th June 2010

Scottish researchers are currently studying whether blaeberries - part of the blueberry family - could be used to treat diabetes. Researchers claim that the dark berries, grown in the Scottish highlands, are rich in polyphenols and could stop the body from releasing hormones that cause type 2 diabetes.

The scientists explain that increased levels of body fat can lead to inflammation in the body and can stimulate the release of diabetes causing hormones. It is hoped that polyphenol in baleberries can alter the body's body chemistry and stop the release of hormones that tamper with the body's production of glucose.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen's Rowett Institute for Nutrition and Health will spend three weeks studying the well-being of sixty overweight men with type 2 diabetes aged between 40 and 70 years old. Participants will be given a concentrated berry capsule three times a day whilst scientists analyse the effects of the berry. Researchers also hope to examine whether consuming the berry can also curb obesity in people with type 2 diabetes.

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