Andrology Solutions

There are various types of fertility treatments and the contact telephone number and address for Andrology Solutions, can be found below.

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Andrology Solutions

Andrology Solutions
55 Wimpole Street
Tel: 020 7224 2322

Clinic details: If you are looking for specialists in the field of insemination and sperm treatment in London, then look no further than Andrology Solutions, an expert provider in the field of male fertility and everything involved therein. Artificial insemination through intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a popular treatment method at the centre, and is offered alongside sperm donation, sperm freezing, sperm testing, and sperm storage offerings. The centre also offers genetic testing to ensure the quality of your sperm, which includes analysis of sperm DNA to screen for illnesses like cystic fibrosis. Other causes of male infertility are also explored and you can expect to be screened for common causes of fertility issues like infections. All this and more is available out of London's Andrology Solutions, a superb provider of male specific fertility testing and treatment in the nation's capital.

Fertility treatment at this clinic: Andrology Solutions are specialists in recruiting sperm donors and providing insemination treatments. The clinic is a completely independent service which is led by scientists and provides diagnostic and lab services under a license from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority HFEA and the European Tissue Directive. Andrology Solutions can boast being the UK's only male specific licensed fertility specialists, meaning that they understand the delicate and sensitive nature of male infertility and can provide you with the care and discretion you need. Services offered by Andrology Solutions range from sperm donation and artificial insemination to a complete range of diagnostic services, counselling, and sperm storage. The practice is run by the registered Clinical Embryologist Dr Sheryl Homa, under whom a team composed of a doctor, andrologists, counsellors, and the like work to provide an excellent all round service.

Services offered at this clinic: Private patient treatment, insemination, stimulated donor insemination and unstimulated donor insemination, intrauterine insemination (stimulated and unstimulated), sperm storage, testicular tissue storage, counselling services, hypnotherapy services, translator services, sperm assessment, post-coital test, TESA, PESA, MESA