Bridge Centre

There are various types of fertility treatments and the contact telephone number and address for Bridge Centre, can be found below.

If you would like to find out if you are suitable for fertility treatment or information about a particular procedure or treatment, contact a local clinic.

Bridge Centre

Bridge Centre
One, St Thomas Street
London Bridge
Tel: 020 7403 3363

Clinic details: The Bridge Centre can be found on St Thomas Street near London's famous London Bridge. The centre offers a remarkably comprehensive range of different fertility treatments, including surgical options like sperm retrieval and tubal surgery. The centre can offer PGS and PGD, genetic screening technologies which allow parents the opportunity to check on the health of their future child by studying an embryo's DNA for signs of illnesses like cystic fibrosis, early onset Alzheimer's Disease, Haemophilia, retinoblastoma, and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy amongst others. Storage options are available at the centre for eggs, sperm, embryos, and testicular tissue. While still a controversial topic, surrogacy is also provided by The Bridge Centre to give you as many options possible whilst you are trying to get pregnant. Tried and tested fertility treatments like artificial and donor insemination, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are all offered at the Bridge Centre to patients deemed by the centre's experts to be likely to benefit from such treatments. IVF and ICSI at the Bridge Centre achieve live births often enough to meet national averages, a feat made particularly impressive when you consider that in 2009 1,002 IVF and 894 ICSI cycles were conducted at the Bridge Centre. Stimulated and unstimulated insemination is another successful set of protocols at the centre which can achieve excellent results through, where appropriate, using fertility drugs to stimulate a woman's ovaries to produce a larger number of eggs, thereby increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Fertility treatment at this clinic: The Bridge Centre is one of London's premiere fertility clinics, but its expertise doesn't stop there, extending into the fields of gynaecology and genetics to provide a service that covers all your bases. The centre approaches fertility treatments as a mission to sort out infertility in a manner suited to you as an individual patient. This approach is purely medical, and you can expect the best advice, treatment, and care regardless of your age, condition, and personal beliefs. The Bridge Centre also understands that while every patient seeking treatment is looking to achieve live birth, the process can be a long and arduous one and needs support from an emotional and mental standpoint as well as the physical and medical. Bridge is a private institution that provides treatment through a team that caters to your needs in every respect. A diverse range of experts are needed to achieve this, and that is exactly what you'll find at the Bridge Fertility Centre. While live birth rates success rates are the measure of a successful clinic, Bridge makes sure that it doesn't base its practice on success rates along, and unlike other clinics does not deny patients with a poor chance of conception for the sake of the bottom line. Amongst its many personal services, the centre also strives to improve public awareness of the issues around infertility, and to make sure that fertility treatments and care of the infertile is well represented. The Bridge Centre comes complete with its own surgical and outpatient facilities that are operated by an extremely qualified team of experts, and through these means the centre can boast to have yielded over 4,500 live births through its fertility treatments.

Services offered at this clinic: NHS and private patients treated, donor insemination, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), blastocyst transfer, unstimulated donor insemination, intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), stimulated intrauterine insemination, stimulated donor insemination, unstimulated intrauterine insemination, ICS and IVF with donor eggs and sperm, IVF with donor embryos, donors recruited for the treatment of others, surrogacy (full and partial), tubal surgery, sperm retrieval (PESA, MESA, TESA), post-coital test, induction of ovulation, monitoring ovulation, egg storage, counselling services, sperm storage, patient open evenings, counselling services, translator services, testicular tissue storage, embryo storage, storage for oncology patients, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)