Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine

There are various types of fertility treatments and the contact telephone number and address for Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine, can be found below.

If you would like to find out if you are suitable for fertility treatment or information about a particular procedure or treatment, contact a local clinic.

Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine

Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine
Department of Women Health
North Bristol NHS Trust
Southmead Hospial
BS10 5NB
Tel: 0117 3232100

Clinic details: Bristol is an extremely convenient location for healthcare centres because of its position. Easily accessed from the South East, nearby Wales, South Gloucestershire, and many other parts of the country, Bristol is an ideal choice for the Bristol Centre for Reproductive medicine in terms of its geography. The BCRB makes full use of this fact by offering a long list of different treatment options to entice patients near and far, offering them a solution to their fertility issues as and when necessary. The first assisted conception technique tried by many centres and couples is artificial insemination, which is offered in its most successful form as IUI (intrauterine insemination) at the BCRB. IUI involves placing a sperm sample within a woman's uterus, more commonly known as the womb, where it has the best chance of reaching and fertilising an egg. In some cases insemination is a plausible treatment option, but a male partner's sperm is either unavailable or unsuitable, and in these cases donor sperm as offered by the BCRB can be provided to achieve conception and pregnancy. For the cases where insemination and other milder treatments have failed to achieve pregnancy or a live birth, IVF and ICSI are excellent options. IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation, and the procedure essentially involves taking an egg and some sperm and giving them a chance to fertilise one another and form an embryo in a laboratory setting where they will be unimpeded. ICSI, or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection), relies on the same principle, but rather than introducing a number of sperm cells to an egg cell, a single sperm cell is injected directly into an egg cell, dramatically increasing the chances of fertilisation and pregnancy. In 2009 the BCRB conducted 479 IVF treatment cycles and 628 ICSI cycles, and successfully achieved live births in line with the national average.

Fertility treatment at this clinic: The Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine BCRM is housed in the city's large and reputable Southmead Hospital, and tends to the community of Bristol and its neighbouring areas like South Gloucestershire. The service the centre offers is completely consultant led, and the specialists operating within that structure aim to first understanding the nature of your infertility as it is completely unique to you. Upon finding out what exactly is causing the problem, your doctor and his or her team will develop a treatment plan with you that will select the best of the many treatments available. You can expect members of your care team to look after you every step of the way, providing you with support both on a medical and personal level when you need it. Factors like stress can have a serious effect on our fertility, and as such both the facility and staff aim to be as friendly and amenable as possible to facilitate your care. The BCRM is a relatively new institution which was actually formed in January 2008 as two existing fertility centres were united to provide better care through a broader and more in-depth service. The best of two different clinics have been brought under one roof for your convenience and satisfaction, and the centre is run by the consultant Mr Peter Wardle. When referred to the BCRM you can expect to have an investigation conducted to establish the nature of your condition, a consultation will also be arranged to review all your medical information and begin to inform a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made the next step is to choose a treatment pathway, and you can expect this to be done skilfully and with your informed consent. With a host of different treatment options regularly performed at the BCRM to high standards, you can be confident that one will be chosen that best suits you, your partner, and your body.

Services offered at this clinic: Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), private and NHS patients treated, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), insemination, recruits sperm, egg, and embryo donors (donors also recruitment for treatment), counselling and support groups available, translator services, post-coital testing, monthly cycle monitoring, sperm retrieval (TESA, PESA, MESA), induction of ovulation, sperm assessment, tubal surgery