Another Celebrity Hair Loss 'Fashion Victim'

Monday 19th July 2010

TV presenter Tamara Beckwith has been pictured with bald patches at the side of her head that could have been caused by excessively using hair extensions. The blonde 'it girl' is one of many celebrities, including super-model Naomi Campbell, whose balding hair has created a media stir.

Experts viewing photographs of supermodel Naomi and socialite Tamara warn that using hair extensions could be at the root of their hair-loss woes. Specialist trichologists have explained that using and removing false hair extensions can traumatise the natural hair follicles and cause them to break, with repeated breakages causing the hair to stop growing. However, some specialists have warned that the blonde socialite could suffer from a hair-pulling compulsive disorder known as trichtotillomania - the subject of the recent televised documentary Girls on the Pull.

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