What are the Benefits of Shaving?

Shaving is a popular method of hair removal with both men and women and is generally viewed as a good short term fix for unwanted body hair. Other methods, such as waxing or using an epilator, require a good level of hair growth before they can be carried out. This, of course, can be inconvenient and shaving is often a good solution for those times when body hair needs to be removed quickly and easily.

The downside however, is that shaving results generally do not last long. As shaving only removes the hair at the surface, rather than the root, most people will find that hair has re-grown within a maximum of a few days. For some, it can even be within 24 hours. Another problem is that shaving hair often leaves a rash, uneven skin or ingrown hairs. In addition, some people feel that when hair returns it is thicker and coarser than waxing re-growth.

On the other hand, in comparison to procedures such as laser hair removal, shaving can be considered a fairly inexpensive method of hair removal. Disposable razors can be particularly cheap although, if a regular shaver, it may be better to invest in a slightly dearer reusable razor handle for which you buy disposable heads as these are generally more effective. Electric razors are also widely available, whilst the shaving gel/cream required is also usually only a couple of pounds.

Another advantage is that shaving is an option which is accessible to almost everyone and is fairly easy to perform. The area to be shaved is splashed with water, shaving cream or gel is applied and the razor is made to glide over the skin and cut the hair. Aside from the occasional cut, shaving should be typically pain-free. For these reasons, many people find that shaving is a good way to introduce to young adults the methods of hair removal at a time when hair is growing in sporadically.