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Rare Procedure saves Eye Sight with a Tooth
Monday 28th September 2009
Modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (MOOKP) has been used for the first time in the USA on Sharon Thornton, from Smithdale, Mississippi. The procedure involves taking one of the patients’s teeth and placing it into the eye to secure a prosthetic lens in place.
Friday 25th September 2009
A new state-of-the-art dental unit has just opened in Porth, Wales, boasting some of the worlds most advanced dental technology. Initially, the unit functions as a training centre for dentists. For such purposes the unit contains cameras in one of its surgeries that feed back to a screen where dental members can study the procedures.
Warnings Against Cosmetic Surgery Holidays
Wednesday 23rd September 2009
With increasing news of cosmetic surgery and quicker and easier procedures, sceptics are beginning to warn against travelling abroad to receive cheaper cosmetic surgeries.
Love Handles, what Love Handles?
Friday 18th September
A plastic surgeon is today claiming to have pioneered a new plastic surgery that will remove our love handles, our muffin tops, the bits that hang over the tops of our jeans.
Short-lived miracle of “natural” Boob Jobs
Thursday 17th September 2009
Despite recent media attention on Natural Boob Jobs some experts are now fighting back. Many are now saying that the “two in one” breast enlargement/slimmer figure surgery was only a hope, and not enough experience is known as to the long term effects of these kinds of surgeries.
Sleep could solve errors within the Memory
Wednesday 16th September 2009
Whilst it may seem obvious that lack of sleep could cause reduced concentration and thus a worse memory, recent studies have shown that any errors one may have within their memories could be rectified by a better night’s sleep.
Tuesday 15th September
Yes, that’s right; a new boob job could soon be on the market and will involve no fake implants! This new kind of boob job would involve taking excess fatty tissue from the stomach area (hence why it has also been nicknamed the “two in one”!) to be used in the breasts.
New Device could raise Orthodontic Efficiency
Monday 14th September 2009
A new device, called the AcceleDent, is said to offer a faster and better treatment than standard braces alone.
Connection made between Periodontitis and Head and Neck Cancer
Sunday 13th September 2009
A recent study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention has shown that chronic periodontitis...
Dental Costs Differ Drastically
Saturday 12th September 2009
All around the UK, dentist’s pay varies to such an extent that some are getting paid ten times the amount of...
NHS Dental Contract Changes Treatment
Friday 11th September 2009
A new NHS contract is causing dentists to carry out fewer complex procedures, recent figures have shown. The latest dental figures, calculated from June 2007 up to June 2009 reveal the effect of a new contract implemented in April 2006.
Friday 11th September
Under the knife nose jobs could be a thing of the past as all new injections of cosmetic filler could correct your nose in just ten minutes. Originally used for sporting injuries, injections containing a mix of hyaluronic acid and water act as fillers, straightening out nose shapes.
U.S survey shows high number of side effects with Lasik treatment
Thursday 10th September 2009
A recent survey from American consumer watchdog Consumer Reports has found that from 793 adults who have had Lasik surgery in the last eight years, around 55 percent still say they need to wear glasses or contact lenses on many occasions such as reading or driving.
Sleep deprivation hinders fertility in women
Tuesday 8th September
It is well known that the recommended amount of sleep is around 7-8 hours a day, and there are well known consequences for not getting these hours too often, including grumpiness and drowsiness.
Drinking over the guided daily amount and Sleep Problems
Monday 7th September 2009
Recent surveys have shown that those who are exceeding their daily intakes of alcohol could be severely reducing the amount of sleep they are having during the night.
Seizure drug for women whose sleep suffers due to Hot Flushes
Saturday 6th September 2009
New studies have shown that the drug Gabapentin could benefit menopausal women and sustain these benefits.
Laser Eye Surgery not right for you?
Tuesday 1st September 2009
If you have ever wished to be free from the constraints of glasses or contact lenses, then some form of laser eye surgery may be suitable for you. It is important that you understand the procedure, the recovery period and anything that can go wrong, to ensure you are fully prepared for the treatment.
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