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Research gives a new angle on anti-ageing surgery
Wednesday 31st March 2010
New research produced by the University of Rochester Medical Centre is set to change the way that plastic surgeons approach anti-ageing cosmetic facial surgery in future. The interesting research, published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, shows that the shape of facial bones changes naturally with age and can directly cause the face and neck areas to appear significantly older.
Bone Structure Changes the New Ageing Culprit
Friday 26th March 2010
The ageing process is often defied by people using plastic surgery methods to reduce the age of their appearance. Often this has included botox or other treatments that target the skins surface and smoothes out wrinkles. However, new research at the University of Rochester (US) by surgery resident Robert Shaw, M.D. and Howard N. Langstein, M.D. has suggested that this might not be the main problem, and instead larger bone changes are the main cause of ageing.
Spotting toilet related health problems in children
Thursday 25th March 2010
A survey of 5 – 16 year olds attending Sheffield Children’s Hospital paediatric outpatient clinics over a four-week period, found that over half avoided using school toilets, with around a quarter prepared to use them only if desperate.
This toilet avoidance can lead to children ‘hanging on’ and only using the toilet when they get home which for young bladders and bowels can be a damaging daily occurrence. Frequent ‘hanging on’ can lead to toilet related health problems such as constipation and wetting. Day and night-time wetting and soiling (leakage when constipated) effect more than one in 12 (about 750,000) five to 16 year olds in the UK.
Delaying solid food could increasing chances of allergies
Tuesday 16th March 2010
Following recent news that by delaying a child’s intake of solid food their chance of developing certain allergies could be decreased; scientists are now warning that this could be counterproductive. This news also comes after a survey that showed being a little bit dirty could also decrease the chance of allergies; pointing towards the fact that prevention isn’t always the cure. It appears that by trying to eradicate allergies we are only heightening them and should instead be building our immune systems from an early age to make ourselves less susceptible to allergies.
Sunday 7th March 2010
A diet that is specifically adapted to suit every person’s individual needs may soon be taking the world by storm. The diet as under investigation by Kansas State University looks deep into the genetics of a person to determine what foods will and will not benefit their health. Additionally, this use of the fast growing phenomenon of nutrigenomics could even help prevent disease later on in life.
Beauty Really is More Than Skin Deep
Saturday 6th March 2010
Unfortunately, the classic saying which many of us use or have heard, that beauty is only skin deep, really isn’t that true according to the latest report by L’Oréal. The report is published in the latest edition of Chemical and Engineering News and links beauty traits to molecules deep within our bodies.
Clean Air Needed for Women Running Marathons
Friday 5th March 2010
A recent study has revealed that the more pollution within the air, the slower the average time for women racing in marathons. The study compares the amount of air pollution present within 7 marathon races and even though the air pollution wasn’t of a significant enough level to heed warnings, the women’s performance was still affected.
Risk of Diabetes from Mobility Scooters
Thursday 4th March 2010
The use of mobility scooters for many elderly people have become a gratefully received mode of transport, with the journey to the shop becoming so much easier. With an estimated 90,000 mobility scooters in the UK alone their usefulness is evident. However, following recent research conducted in Ohio in the United States, by using these scooters, the users could be putting themselves at risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Link Found Between Ovarian Cancer and Diet
Wednesday 3rd March 2010
From an early age the majority of us are warned to eat our five fruit and vegetables a day, to “help keep the doctor away”; but in women’s cases it is perhaps time to really take note of this advice. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reveals that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables may be the difference between surviving and mortality from ovarian cancer.
Sickly Health Professional Survey
Tuesday 2nd March 2010
A year ago a programme was set up called the NHS Practitioner Health Programme (PHP) which was aimed at the need to understand and reach out to those doctors, nurses and dentists who were suffering in silence with their own health problems. However, the results provide a worrying outlook to the mental and physical health of these practitioners, more significantly in dentists.
How to Answer Sleeping Questions
Monday 1st March 2010
In a modern age where science is beginning to provide the answer to many things; one of the most natural things we do, sleeping, still remains a mystery. The amount of sleep required is still a highly debated topic, the question as to whether sleeping can help rid us of cold and flu still echoes around, but how do we find the answers? Researchers at the Rensselar Polytechnic Institute believe mathematics provides the long awaited answer.
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