Back Pain Increasing in Young People, According to Experts
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Wednesday 15th April, 2015
Health experts have claimed that our deskbound lifestyles are pointing to a growing number of younger people suffering from back pain.
Studies carried out by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) revealed that nearly 50 percent of 16-24 year olds suffer from pain in the neck and/or back. Figures from last year show that 28 percent of 18-24 year olds experienced back pain.
Hayley Raper, Leeds, told reporters that back pain from her job as a TV producer has had a large impact on her daily life.
She said that when working out on location, the discomfort in her back can get quite severe. She spends a lot of time standing up, and experiences a throbbing sensation down her back. If she’s working in the office, she has to stand up and move around regularly. She finds herself having to take it easy on nights out with friends, and has to rest on the run up to the occasion.
Hayley told reporters that she’s had to cut back on participating in activities she enjoys. She has had to switch gym classes because the pain is too extreme and the problem has also affected her social life.
This increase in back pain problems for young people is being blamed on the reality that many people sit at their desks for long periods of time and do less exercise.
According to the BCA, people spend an average of 10 hours a day sitting, and less than two hours a day being active.
It is claimed that people spend 1.8 daily hours using tablets and mobile phones, 3.7 hours using computers and laptops and 1.4 hours playing computer games.
According to chiropractor Tim Hutchful, there is an increase in the number of people suffering from neck and back-related problems due to our modern lifestyle, which forces us to sit down for most of the day. Mr Hutchful is concerned about the fact that more and more patients younger than 30 are coming to him for treatment.
There are a number of ways to reduce the onset of back pain if you work in an office setting. Sit up straight and keep your shoulder blades touching the back of the chair.
Adjusting your computer screen is another way to stop back pain. Ensure the top of your screen is level with your eyebrows and that your chair is tilted forward slightly. This allows your knees to be lower than your hips.
Using laptops away from a desk will bring on bad posture, so try to keep your screen level with your eyes where possible.
You must also take customary breaks if you sit at a desk all day. Don’t sit for more than 20 minutes to half an hour at a time, stand up to stretch, move around and change position. If you can’t take the time to do this, gently massage your neck and practice deep breathing. This will help improve your posture and strengthen the spine.
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