Young British woman dies during cosmetic surgery abroad
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4th December 2014
Joy Williams was a popular, beautiful 23 year old woman, who went to Thailand in search of self-improvement. Thailand is a hugely popular location for cosmetic surgery, and people travel there from all over the world every year in order to have affordable cosmetic surgery procedures. So there was nothing out of the ordinary when Joy, from Thamesmead, England, decided to go to Thailand to have a £2000 buttock augmentation.
Although Joy is described as being kind, funny, and 'loved by everybody', she had always suffered from low self-esteem, and had had a nose job after being bullied at school. Her buttock augmentation was part of her self-improvement plan, but when the original incision through which the implants had been inserted became infected, she returned to the clinic where she had the initial operation for corrective surgery.
Joy had chosen to have her procedure at the SP Clinic, and it was there, after receiving intravenous anaesthetic, that she stopped breathing. Her surgeon, Sompob Sansiri, tried to revive her, but his attempts were unsuccessful, and Thai authorities were alerted at around 11 o'clock in the evening. They discovered that she had a three inch incision over her tail-bone – it's possible that the intention was to remove the troublesome implants.
Shortly after this it was discovered that Sompob Sansiri, 51, is not licensed to perform cosmetic surgery. This case has highlighted the risks involved in travelling for cosmetic surgery, and it has become clear how important it is to conduct intensive research before choosing a surgeon.
Sansiri has subsequently been charged with recklessly causing death, and the SP clinic has been closed down for a two month period, in which investigations into the death of Joy Williams are carried out. If he is found guilty, he faces up to ten years imprisonment.
The president of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Michael Cadier, released the following comment: "This tragic case highlights how, if lured by the prospect of what is essentially 'cheap surgery', patients can be left vulnerable." "In some cases, patients are even being treated by a person without proper surgical credentials - if any at all - which breaches all the fundamental guidelines for safe practice in cosmetic surgery in the UK," he added. "When you go abroad in search of 'cheap cosmetic surgery', you're entrusting your life to individuals whose main concern may be their pocket - not the patient." MYA Chairman, John Ryan has subsequently added:
"This in indeed a very sad story. Proper research for qualified professionals abroad is almost impossible considering the language barrier. In cosmetic surgery you really get what you pay for and this is a fact that we cannot stress enough. We strongly encourage patients to consider professionals in the UK rather than looking for bargains abroad."
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