New Asthma Research Could Improve Treatments

Sunday 8th August

Analysing proteins that line the airways of asthmatic patients could help doctors to quickly diagnose and better treat specific asthma sub-types, according to a new report by the University of Texas. Researchers at the university's Galveston Institute for Medical Science believe that examining protein patterns could allow doctors to identify the best ant-allergy therapies for individual patients and help to reduce the risk of health-impairing asthma attacks.

Scientists reached their conclusions by studying immune signaling proteins, or cytokines, found in saline washings of airway lining fluid retrieved from 76 asthmatic patients. The researchers profiled the proteins and found that certain patterns indicated various strains and sub-types of asthma.

Allergy experts hope that the research could be used to help better diagnose and treat the 5.4 million people whose lives are affected by asthma in the UK alone.

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