Different Types of Buttock Implants

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The general purpose of any implant is usually to augment, which means to enlarge or enhance, a particular area. Buttock implants are no exception, and are used to reshape a part of the body that you might consider aesthetically important.

What are the different styles of buttock implant?

The most commonly used type of buttock implant is a perfectly round implant dubbed Style 3. The advantage of this implant is that it can be but in either sub-fascially (within a fibre casing that envelops the buttock muscles) or intra-muscularly (within the muscles of the buttocks itself), giving a greater deal of flexibility to the surgeon. A Style 3 implant is described as non-directional as it is evenly round, which means that there are no concerns about the implant moving around once placed.

Style 1 and 2 implants on the other hand are directional, meaning that they need to be placed in a certain way as the design of the implant is such that parts of it are shaped differently to sculpt the appearance of the buttock into which it is placed. This option is a good one if you find your buttocks are asymmetrical and you want to correct that. These implants are typically placed sub-fascially as this kind of insertion means that the implant is more firmly fixed in place to provide the desired look. Finally Style 4 implants tend to be custom made mirror implants, one for each buttock. These are used less often because of the time and cost involved in having specific implants designed and manufactured for your buttocks.

Each style is available in different sizes to accommodate your body shape and size as well as the level of augmentation you’re looking for. Your surgeon will probably recommend a size and shape that he or she feels will give you a natural appearance.

What are the different types of buttock implant?

The materials used for buttock implants have changed in recent years, improving in terms of their durability, firmness, and ability to confer a more natural feel. While in the past more generic implants used in other parts of the body were used as buttock implants, the market has changed and specific buttock implants are now available. What this means is that while in the past a buttock implant may have felt unnaturally hard to the touch, they have become much more organic. Similarly while in the past breast implants had been used in the buttocks, this is no longer the case. This is largely because breast implants tend to be filled with either a gel or liquid which can leak under the stress of your body weight as you sit down. At present buttock implants are soft solids which won’t rupture and provide the natural feel and look that you would be looking for.

How are Buttock Implants Inserted?

Buttock implants are surgically placed in the body, which may sound scary at first, but you should rest assured that the operation is a quick and simple one which heals quickly and leaves you virtually scar free about a year afterwards.


As with any surgical procedure, there is a question of whether or not you are medically suitable for a procedure. Fortunately with buttock implants the surgery isn’t particularly stressful on your body, so virtually anyone in good health can be a candidate for buttock implants. That being said, your surgeon will evaluate you and look into your medical history to make sure that there are no contraindications like blood clotting problems or heart disease that would make the procedure too dangerous. The surgery does involve the use of a general anaesthetic, which can be dangerous if you suffer from conditions like these.

Mental health is also an important part of determining whether you are suitable for any cosmetic procedure. This is because some people who are in the market for cosmetic surgery suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, also referred to as dysmorphic syndrome. The condition is define by an obsessive preoccupation with their physical appearance, and more specifically, what they perceive to be defects. The condition can be quite a severe one, affecting people to the point that their perception of their appearance can cause severe depression and/or anxiety, both conditions which can badly affect quality of life and the ability to function on a day to day basis.

The procedure

The surgery itself is conducted with you, the patient under the influence of a chemical that induces sleep and relieves pain called a general anaesthetic. Buttock implants are placed by means of a small cut on top of the large buttock muscles called the Gluteal muscles. A lot of the time they are positioned sub-fascially: so that they lie on top of the muscles, but beneath a fibrous structure called the fascia which envelopes the musculature of your bum. This structure is extremely important to the function of your buttock muscles as it protects and eases the movement of the muscle itself, and placing the implant within this sheath basically secures its position and gives the best possible appearance of the implant. Alternatively an implant can be placed within the muscle itself, and this is referred to as intra-muscular. This option is primarily chosen for anyone who has little body fat.

Your surgeon will be experienced enough to be able to position your implants to achieve the appearance you want. They will have discussed the end result with you beforehand to establish the look you’re going for and how best to achieve it, so you can rest assured that they will be providing you with the bottom you want.

Recovery from buttock implants

Your buttocks are fairly heavy duty in that they are involved in most of your day to day activities. The most obvious stress on them is sitting down, but they also contain key muscle groups involved in walking, bending over, lifting, and many other whole body movements. What this means is that not only must the implant be strong enough to withstand these exertions, but that you must also endure some pain and discomfort whilst recovering from the surgery. You will be prescribed the appropriate pain medication to ease the process, and it usually takes only 5-7 days for your buttocks to recover to the extent that you are able to move around and sit as you would normally. Strenuous activities like weight training, cycling, or running will take a bit longer to resume, but you can usually get  back to them after 4 weeks. How natural the implants feel depend on the nature of the implants and procedure itself, but typically it can take a few months for you to forget about them and feel comfortable and natural.

Appearance after the procedure

The smallest possible incision is made for the surgery, and this tends to heal quickly. Any scarring is all but invisible a year after the surgery. Fortunately there is minimal discolouration and swelling after the procedure, so you can evaluate the results yourself shortly afterwards.

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