Risks & Side Effects of having Male Breast Reduction Surgery

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Even though the male breast reduction surgery is a relatively simple one it still has many potential risks and side effects which you should know about and then research before going ahead with the procedure.

Mild Side Effects of Male breast reduction surgery

There are some mild side effects which you are most likely to suffer from after the procedure and these include;

  • Scarring around the sites of the incisions
  • Pain and some mild infection where the incisions were made
  • The breasts being slightly different sizes or not completely symmetrical
  • Bleeding at the site of incision
  • A feeling of numbness in the breast which could last for an extended period of time

However some men have experienced much more serious side effects because of their breast reduction surgery and if you are affected by any of the various side effects which are listed below then you should seek medical help immediately.

Serious Side Effects of Male Breast Reduction Surgery

The more serious side effects include;

  • Extensive scarring of the skin around the breast
  • Extreme bleeding and infection around the injection site
  • An allergic reaction to the general anaesthetic
  • Suffering from excess fluid around the breast
  • A loss of sensation in one or both breasts
  • A loss of feeling in the nipples

There is also a fair chance of having a change in the pigmentation around the breasts after the reduction surgery and this should be taken into consideration before going ahead with the procedure.

Most cosmetic surgeries also have a post operative meeting between yourself and the surgeon as a part of the total cost of the surgery. However if you are suffering from the more serious side effects the surgeon may request to see you for a second time to make sure that you are recovering properly. In some cases this second visit may cost you some more money especially if you have had the surgery with a private hospital.

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