Neck Lift Surgery on the NHS

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The NHS does not offer cosmetic surgery for purely aesthetic reasons; however, its guidelines on cosmetic surgery do differ from area to area, depending on local health authority criteria. Approval for cosmetic surgery under the NHS is usually because the procedure is for reconstruction due to an accident or illness, or to improve irregularities brought on by congenital issues.

To begin the process with the NHS, a consultation with your local GP is necessary. He or she will then, upon approval, write a referral letter for a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. Not only will you meet with an aesthetic surgeon, but an assessment by a psychiatrist is also needed for ultimate approval. What will be considered by these doctors is whether there is enough of a gain (social, psychological, or physical) to give cause for the surgery. Part of this consideration weighs up the amount for surgery against future costs for medication or procedures (due, perhaps, to depression or pain).

If you do manage to receive cosmetic surgery under the NHS, consider yourself lucky since, ultimately, it is considered low priority. Nonetheless, if you are not approved by the NHS there are other options: payment plans and loans give you the ability to get surgery, whilst going abroad can cut costs. Unfortunately for those who have private medical insurance, it is unlikely that elective and cosmetic procedures are covered under such insurance plans.

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