Booking an Appointment for Nipple Reduction Surgery

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There are multiple ways of booking an appointment for the nipple reductions surgery. The most common is by simply phoning the clinic and booking an appointment, although it is important to try and do this as far in advance as possible as some of the more popular clinics will have a long waiting list.

Online booking forms for the nipple reduction surgery

An easier and often faster way of booking an appointment for the nipple reduction surgery is by booking online. The online booking forms generally need you to supply the information below;

  • Your full name and a contact address
  • A contact phone number and an email address
  • A date which you would preferably like to have the initial consultation
  • And also a date when you would like to have the nipple reduction
  • Also if you are booking with a franchise business you may need to tell them the clinic which you would like to have the surgery at

Cost of the initial consultation for nipple reduction surgery

Before booking your first appointment you should look into how much it will cost. Most surgeries do offer this in the total price of the nipple reduction procedure however some do charge extra for this service. On average the initial consultation will last for around an hour and so the surgeon may charge you for an hourly rate. The price can range from £20 to £100 depending on the stature of the surgeon.

If you are unable to either phone or email the clinic you can also send them a postal request for an initial appointment or alternatively you can actually go to the clinic and book an appointment in person.

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