Dermal Fillers for Scars

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There are many reasons for the formation of scar tissue on the skin, it could be that skin stretching after weight gain or pregnancy has left stretch marks; an accident or operations has left a permanent mark; or illness can cause scarring. No matter how you may have developed a scar, it can seriously affect how you view yourself, and if they are in a noticeable place can undermine your self-confidence and self-esteem. Certain types of scars will benefit more than others from dermal filler treatment: if a scar is depresses or causes the skin to be indented and uneven, a treatment with dermal filler might dramatically improve its appearance. Injection of appropriate dermal filler in the area can raise and smooth the skin to give a more even and natural contour to the area. Other treatments, such as skin grafts, laser surgery or more invasive surgical procedures could be complimented by the use of dermal filler.

It is very important to have a full and comprehensive consultation with a doctor, consultant or practitioner before undergoing any procedure, but it is advised to thoroughly discuss all the risks and options when considering treatment for a scar. You must make certain before committing to a procedure that the dermal filler you are being treated with has been approved for use improving scars and that it is the best form of treatment for your condition. Dermal filler tends to have a very low risk of side effect or complication, and is usually carried out under local anaesthetic, and apart from a little redness and swelling in the treated area for a few days after the treatment the healing period is relatively short. Despite this, treatment on damaged skin can cause its own complications and a good understanding of any possible outcome is highly recommended.

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