Success of Mini-Dental Implant Procedures

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Mini-dental implants are one of many variations on implant technologies, all of which are designed to emulate the natural roots that lie beneath our teeth. In doing so, mini-implants can promote improved bite strength, comfort, and durability when using dentures. These smaller versions of implants are accessible to more people who can benefit from the simpler surgery and reduced costs involved.

Of course anyone looking at mini-implants is still contemplating a surgical procedure which will be costly and time consuming, even if less so than the equivalent treatment with larger implants. Because of this, it is natural to have questions about the procedure’s chances of success, and in this article we look at what exactly the potential for success is when it comes to mini-implant surgery.

What counts as a successful mini-implant treatment?

The criteria for successful implant procedures are fairly simple, and apply to both mini- and full sized implants. A treatment is considered successful if and when the titanium implants healthily integrate with the surrounding bone, fusing to create a stable structure with a virtually indistinguishable boundary between the metal and bone.

Other criteria for success within this include a procedure with no infection or complications, and one way of assessing success is naturally through the outcome of the treatment. If implants can effectively and successfully provide a lasting and stable base to which artificial teeth can be fitted, then the procedure can undoubtedly be considered a success overall.

What factors affect the success of mini-implant procedures?

As with all surgical endeavours, the skills, experience, and training of the surgeon, or in this case dentist, are key factors in the potential for success. This is why more experienced surgeons will often be more costly, as their services are in higher demand and can offer a distinctly improved chance of success. That being said, because of the nature of training in the UK, all dentists offering this procedure will be trained and experienced to a level where they can offer a good chance of a successful procedure.

Naturally there are a number of other factors affecting the likelihood of a successful procedure, these also include the density, quantity, and quality of a person’s jawbone. This is a major consideration when it comes to implant procedures because of the need for a healthy fusion between implant and jawbone for a successful procedure. While less jawbone is needed for mini-implants when compared to standard implants, there is still a need for some good quality jawbone. Standard implants require a great deal of bone because of their larger size necessitating more bone to effectively support each implant. Mini-implants are significantly smaller, and hence able to adapt to less bone to yield good results, making them more broadly accessible as many people who have suffered tooth loss can suffer a loss of jawbone as well.

Oral health is absolutely key to a successful procedure, and in some cases a dentist may refuse to offer the treatment if a person has lasting oral health issues. A mouth suffering from oral health issues is susceptible to infection after treatment. While the surgery used to apply mini-implants is less invasive than the procedure used for full sized implants, it will still involve some damage to the mouth, leaving it vulnerable to infection. Mouths with poor oral hygiene will be rich in bacteria which can attack the now vulnerable areas of the mouth and result in infection.

Lifestyle habits are another factor with an important part to play in how successful dental implants can be. The consumption of large amounts of sugary foods contributes to poor oral hygiene, which, as described in the previous section, can cause infections which impede recovery and reduce the chances of a successful implant procedure. Another such habit with serious consequences is smoking, and in many cases a dentist may strongly advise against implants of any kind if a person continues to smoke. Smoking has a range of powerfully negative effects on the mouth, and can severely restrict the mouth’s ability to recover after an implant surgery, and reduce the chances of a successful procedure significantly.

How successful are mini-dental implant procedures?

Mini-dental implants vary in their success depending on the many factors influencing the surgery and subsequent recovery period. With so many different factors to consider, it is difficult to give an exact figure to describe the success rate of mini-implant procedures. The general consensus is that the success rate is about 75%, but this can severely drop where factors like smoking can drop.

When looking at the mini-dental implant procedure, your dentist will talk you through the chances of success in your particular case. There are always subtleties and nuances which only an experienced and trained dentist will be able to pick up on and discuss in terms of your likelihood of success. If your dentist doesn’t think that you stand a good chance of benefiting from a mini-implant procedure, he or she probably won’t recommend the procedure to you at all, or advise you against if you discuss the matter.

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