Does Tooth Whitening Hurt?

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The tooth whitening process should not be a painful one. The product should only be applied to the teeth, and only topically, and should not come into contact with any nerve endings. Some products which use light, heat or lasers to activate the product might make the process a little uncomfortable. Throughout the treatment your lips and gums might need to be protected which might involve them being covered or held back by a shield which can also be slightly uncomfortable. You should discuss what the treatment will feel like with your dentist or carefully read the safety and application information if you are using the product on yourself at home. If you experience an amount of pain which is not predicted by your dentist or product information you ought to halt the process immediately and consult your dentist about the possible causes of the pain and whether there have been any other side effects.

People with particularly sensitive teeth can find teeth whitening too painful and may not be suitable for the treatment.

« Why might I need Teeth Whitening? How much Whiter will my Teeth look after Tooth Whitening?

Guide to Teeth Whitening in London & UK