Hair Transplants in Dubai



The culture of the United Arab Emirates is that of the traditional Bedouin and Arab customs, and the Islam religion. However, the prosperous city of Dubai is becoming increasingly Western-influenced, whilst still retaining evidence of its more traditional roots. These can be seen in the architecture, music, cuisine, dress and in the people’s everyday lives. Whilst a booming and progressive city therefore, Dubai still remains very aware of its background and traditions and celebrates and protects these.

How to get to Dubai

Flights departing London to Dubai are approximately 6 or 7 hours in duration. Shop around for the best deals. The earlier you book the cheaper your flight cost should be. Similarly, there should be better deals online rather than at your high street travel agents, although these are worth a look.

Accommodation in Dubai

Dubai is renowned for its development and the accommodation available reflects this. There are plenty of relaxing and luxurious hotels in and around the centre of Dubai, although these do not come cheap.

There is plenty of self-catered accommodation available too. Booking a beach-front villa that is self-catered may be preferable than booking a hotel. This may prove a bit cheaper as you will not be eating out at restaurants for every meal. It could also possibly provide a more relaxing environment to recuperate in as you should not be surrounded by other holiday-makers.

Hostels provide a cheaper alternative accommodation, although the standard of lodgings usually reflects this. The United Arab Emirates Youth Hostel Association has a range of hostels available across Dubai. You should join YHA before travelling if you think you may want to stay in one of these.

Travelling around Dubai

There is a good bus network around Dubai which is run by the Roads and Transport Authority and provides frequent service. This is mostly used by locals but not usually by those who are Western expatriates so women travelling alone may experience some unwanted attention. To minimise this try sitting at the front of the bus as this is the women’s section.

Taxis are usually easy to find and are metered. If you find a taxi that is not metered then it will be from outside of Dubai and by law it is not allowed to pick up a fare from here. These should be avoided, particularly by women who are travelling alone at night. Dubai Transport is usually a reliable firm to book a taxi with.

Other considerations

Travelling to Dubai can be very time-consuming, especially should you have to make more than one trip to complete your treatment. Similarly, flights can be quite expensive, particularly compared to flying to Western European countries.

If you are travelling to Dubai then it is important to be aware of differences in culture. It is a good idea to research codes of behaviour, appropriate dress, etc. These tend to be a lot stricter than in the UK, and there can be quite harsh punishments for breaking any rules or laws, even if you do so accidentally.

Hair Transplant Techniques used in Dubai

Strip Treatment

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), more generally known as strip, treatment is widely regarded as one of the most common and effective method of treating hair loss. This is especially the case if you suffer from advanced thinning as this procedure can be carried out with comparatively little inconvenience and also facilitates the largest amount of potential hair coverage. Strips of hair (the quantity will depend on the extent of your hair loss) are taken from the back and sides of your head and then transplanted onto different areas on your head, those that require the treatment. The extraction of the strips of hair will leave you with a thin scar line in each case, although these should be concealed by the remaining hair. If you wear your hair extremely short then the scarring may well still be visible.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is another useful technique for the treatment of hair loss particularly for those who have only minimal thinning or if you have had strip treatment in the past which has damaged your donor. This is because FUE facilitates the removal of hair in some areas that FUT treatment cannot. Follicular Unit Extraction takes very little clusters of hair (of roughly 1 to 4 hairs) and very slowly and accurately removes them from your head. Although time-consuming, this precision does mean that it is unlikely that your procedure will result in any long-term scarring. These clusters are then transplanted onto other areas of your head where required. Patients should be aware however that it is likely that they will be required to shave their head completely prior to treatment in order to allow the specialist to achieve the level of precision necessary for the extraction process.


In the case of all of any of the above mentioned treatments you should ensure that you have spoken with your specialist regarding the after-care procedures to take to make sure that your surgery is successful.

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