Harley Street Botox


Botulinum toxin, known commonly as Botox, is the most toxic substance known to man. However this toxicity makes it a highly useful substance in a number of treatments, most prominently cosmetic operations and the treatment of muscle spasms. Depending on the particular problem the botox is being applied to, there are a number of different procedures used. The strain of botox used in operations is classified as type A.

Cosmetic use of Botox

When botox is used for cosmetic purposes, it is injected into the forehead at specific points, determined by the surgeon and based on the individual’s muscle structure. It works by weakening the muscles responsible for the creation of wrinkles and frowns when contracting. However, it must be continually administered every 3-6 months; whilst the treatment is effective, the botox will slowly begin to wear off and it must be injected at intervals in order to sustain the results. Generally no anaesthesia is necessary and the procedure usually lasts only around 10 minutes, reducing wrinkles significantly.

Botox to combat muscle spasms

As with the cosmetic application of botox, it is also injected to fight muscle spasms. It works similarly by blocking neural impulses to the muscles and as such effectively reduces the spasms. Again this is only a temporary solution and must be repeated in order to sustain and fully realise the effect.

Hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and Botox

A condition that most often occurs in the armpits, excessive sweating occurs in only about 1% of the population. In order to treat this problem, the surgeon injects botox into the affected areas, blocking the nerve endings and halting the eccrine glands, which produce sweat. After about six months however new nerve endings will grow to replace the obstructed ones; therefore it is necessary to return to the surgeon for another injection.


As a toxin, it is not entirely surprising that botox has been linked to negative health conditions, and in some cases death. None of the deaths recorded by the U.S. FDA were linked to the cosmetic use of botox, however, and with a fully qualified and reliable surgeon the risk is negligible.

Advantages of Harley Street Botox

Botox can be applied to the patient in Harley Street dentists and dermatological clinics. A free consultation is offered in most to explain the procedure and the potential risks, as well as to allay any patient’s fears about the quality of the service they are enquiring about. Although no Harley Street surgeon is a "specialist" in botox, it falls under the demesne of those who, as Harley Street employees, are exceptionally qualified to safely administer the toxin for maximum effectiveness.

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