Safe Use of Boots Smooth Skin

There are certain things you can avoid doing directly before or after using Boots Smooth Skin system in order to ensure that you have a safe and satisfactory treatment, as well as some things you can do to ensure you maximise the positive benefits of treatment:


  • Do not sunbathe or use a sun bed for thirty days before treatment
  • Do not use fake tan for thirty days before treatment
  • Do not undertake a microdermabrasion treatment for fourteen days before treatment
  • Do not drink heavily the night before treating your skin with the Boots Smooth system
  • Use the online skin tester on the Boots website to check that your skin tone and hair colour are compatible – if you are unsure contact a dermatologist or ring the Boots helpline
  • Use the Boots Smooth Skin system on a small area of skin in a discreet place to ensure that the product is working and that it causes no adverse effects on you
  • Use a razor to shave, or trim, the area of skin you wish to treat with the Boots Smooth Skin system


  • Do not use on or near a mole, birthmark or tattoo
  • Do not use in the same room as children or babies as the light can have negative effects on their eyes
  • Do not use if you are breastfeeding
  • Do not use if you having your period
  • Do not use if you have already undertaken permanent hair reduction treatment
  • Do not use on delicate skin such as the areole, genitals or nipples
  • Do not use on sensitive skin, such as that which has been recently treated by a chemical peel or laser resurfacing
  • Do not use on scars or permanently damaged skin, such as stretch marks

Instructions for Safe Use

The device ought to come with a comprehensive set of instructions, but below is a brief rundown of the process you will need to follow to ensure safe and satisfactory treatment with Boots Smooth Skin system: Turn the device on and use the skin tone button to select the correct skin tone to match your complexion. The darker your skin, and therefore the setting, the gentler the treatment will be. If you are ensure whether to select a darker or lighter setting always err on the side of caution and select the gentler, darker setting. Select a small section of skin to begin treating and apply an even layer of the cooling Activator Gel. Press the button marked 'ready'. The red light will stop flashing after about six seconds and will remain a constant red. Lightly press the handset against your skin. The trigger button will turn red to indicate correct positioning on the skin. Pull the trigger mechanism, which will cause a flash. You should immediately wipe the Activator Gel after you have treated the area using it, and on no account reuse the gel.  All users, but especially those who have epilepsy should avoid looking directly at the device when they trigger the flash, and instead close their eyes or look elsewhere in the room to protect their eyes. Once you have completed this process you can move on to another area you wish to treat and repeat.


  • Do not expose treated areas to direct sunlight for twenty four hours
  • Do not re-treat skin before the guidelines instruct you to
  • Keep the area treated with the Boots Smooth Skin system clean and dry
  • Ensure you rehydrate and keep you and your body refreshed by drinking lots of water
  • Apply an SPF30 fragrance-free solution to your skin whenever you leave the house for two weeks after treating the skin Boots Smooth Skin system
  • Treat the area of skin gently
  • Avoid taking hot baths, showers, steam rooms and saunas for twenty four hours after treatment
  • Avoid swimming for 24 hours after treatment
  • Do not play any contact sports for 24 hours after treatment
  • Wear soft and loose fitting clothing on the areas of skin that have been treated
  •  Do not wax, pluck use depilatory creams or similar during the treatment period
  • You may begin shaving after twenty four hours
  • Do not irritate the treated area by  scratching or scraping the skin
  • Avoid any fragranced creams, gels or moisturisers  for twenty four hours
  • Do not use any bleaching creams or similar products for twenty four hours after treatment
  • If there is a slight redness of tenderness to the treated area try applying a cold compress to relieve the symptoms – however if they persist for longer than 24 hours you ought to consult your general practitioner or dermatologist and cease treatment immediately

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