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Aerobic Exercise Good for Brain
Friday 30th April
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh claim that regular aerobic exercise is a smart move as it is good for the brain. The scientists explain that working out improves the flow of blood to the brain and can quicken learning. Whist exercising has many recognised benefits this study claims to be the first that shows that humans may increase their brain activity by working out.
Chillies Linked to Weight Loss
Thursday 29th April
New research shows that people eating chillies could hot-foot their way to weight loss. Researchers at the University of California claim that eating chilli peppers could cause weight loss to occur naturally by speeding up the body's metabolism resulting in shedding excess pounds.
Diabetes Increases Women's Cancer Risk
Tuesday 27th April 2010
New research suggest that women with diabetes could be up to 25% more likely to develop cancer. Researchers at the University of Tel Aviv Medical School claim that women with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of cancer that women who do not have diabetes. Surprisingly, the scientists found that men living with diabetes were not more likely to suffer cancer.
Monday 26th April 2010
New research suggests that eating grapes could reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Researchers at the University of Michigan Health System claim that the fruit is rich in anti-oxidants that could lower blood pressure and insulin resistance. The scientists also believe that eating grapes could also lower the risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and more.
Saturday 24th April 2010
Taking up judo could improve the health of the elderly, according to new research from Dutch scientists. Researchers at the Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences in Amsterdam claim that taking up the martial art could especially benefit elderly people who are frail and at increased risk of breaking bones.
Work Patterns Linked to Sleep Problems
Friday 23rd April 2010
New research seems to show that working night shifts can be linked to sleep problems. The study carried out at Swansea University, Wales, suggests that people aged between 30 and 40 who work night shifts are at increased risk of developing a number of sleep disorders.
Thursday 22nd April 2010
New research suggests that having low levels of Vitamin D could lead to increased risk of asthma and other serious allergies. Research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology seems to show that low levels of vitamin D result in poor lower lung function in children. The researchers also claim that low vitamin D levels are linked with increased use of medication in children.
Wednesday 21st April 2010
New research shows that playing a video game before going to bed can causes gamers to stay awake for longer. Research published in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine shows that male adolescents take almost twice as long to fall asleep after playing a video game than after watching a calming documentary.
Tuesday 20th April 2010
Diabetes UK and a host of other UK health groups have joined together to raise public awareness about the dangers of being overweight. Diabetes UK, the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK have launched an 'Active Fat Campaign'that they hope will encourage people to change bad lifestyle habits that could put their health at risk.The charities aim to inform people that excess fat cells that acumulate around the middle can release harmful chemicals and hormones into the body that can cause serious health conditions including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
New Breast Reconstruction Options
Monday 19th April 2010
Reconstructive surgeons are beginning to use excess fat from the back and waist to reconstruct breasts in slim women who have had mastectomies. Surgeons at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland claim that Slim women with athletic builds do not usually have enough fat around their stomachs to successfully reconstruct their breasts but do tend to have enough excess fat or 'love handles' around the waist and hips. The surgeons have now started using this tissue to improve the cosmetic appearance of reconstructed breasts in slim women.
Sunday 18th April 2010
New research shows that dieting could be hazardous to health and may even increase your risk of developing serious health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more. Researchers at California University and Minnesota University, found that people who limited their daily calorific intake to 1,200 calories or less were more likely to experience stress, put on weight and suffer damage to their mental health. The researchers hope that their findings will improve the eating habits of slimmers and may even affect the way in which doctors and other medical professionals advise patients who need to lose weight.
Friday 16th April 2010
Eating less may have no effect on weight loss, researchers warn. Scientists claim that new research findings indicate that cutting out calories and reducing portion sizes alone may not be enough when battling the bulge.
Excessive Cleanliness Increases Allergies
Thursday 15th April 2010
Allergy experts are warning that excessively cleaning your home can partly cause allergies including asthma, hay fever, eczema and more. Dr Guy Delespesse, director of the Laboratory for Allergy Research at the University of Montreal, explains that over cleaning the home can create a sterile environment that increases allergy risk. Dr Delespesse claims “ The more sterile the environment a child lives in, the higher the risk he or she will develop allergies or an immune problem in their lifetime”.
NHS Rations Life Saving Diabetes Pump
Wednesday 14th April 2010
Concern is growing that NHS cost restrictions are depriving thousands of diabetes sufferers from accessing a potentially life saving device. Medical experts agree that people with type 1 diabetes could benefit from using a new sensor controlled insulin pump that detects dangerously low blood sugar levels and raises an alarm.
Playing Football Improves Health
Tuesday 13th April 2010
New research shows that playing football can dramatically improve your health, well being, fitness and social skills. The research, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, shows that playing football for 2 to 3 hours a week significantly benefited the heart and muscles regardless of the age or fitness level of the player. Scientists claim that the results show that playing football is more beneficial than other methods of exercising including running.
Monday 12th April 2010
New research warns that breast enlargement injections could be hazardous to health. The 45 minute cup boosting procedure, often called a “boob jab”, involves injecting Macrolane gel into the breast tissue. Results are instant and can last up to 18 months.
Sleep Disorder Increases Stroke Risk
Sunday 11th April 2010
New research suggests that people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, are at an increased risk of having a debilitating stroke. Researchers from the Sleep Heart Health Study found that middle aged men and women with the sleep disorder could be up to twice as likely to suffer a stroke. The study also shows that people with sleep apnea are more likely to develop high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, a heart attack and suffer potentially fatal heart failure.
Losing Sleep Leads to Weight Gain
Saturday, 10th April 2010
New research shows that starving yourself of sleep could lead to eating excess calories that results in piling on the pounds. The research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that people who are sleep deprived can consume up to 560 calories more per day when they lose four hours of sleep or more.
Friday 9th April 2010
A British boy with a severe dog allergy has been successfully cured following a ground-breaking ‘hair of the dog’ treatment. The eleven year old schoolboy, Danny Pearce, was given an experimental drug that was partly made from real animal hair. Danny is now able to walk and pet dogs after years of suffering from the debilitating animal allergy.
New Tool to Control Allergies and Asthma
Thursday 8th April 2010
It is hoped that a new self assessment tool will help people in Britain to get asthma and allergies under control. Allergy UK, Asthma UK and Education for Health have pulled together to create a new questionnaire that patients will be able to pick up from doctors’ surgeries and pharmacies across the UK throughout April.
Fatty Breakfast Aids Weight Loss
Wednesday 7th April 2010
Scientist have found that breakfast may truly be the most important meal of the day when it comes to fighting fat. Researchers in America have conducted a study that seems to show that eating a breakfast that is high in fat could be the key to losing weight. Scientists at the University of Alabama have produced research that suggests that eating a fatty morning meal could boost the body’s metabolism and help people to lose weight. It is hoped that this new research could help people to shed excess weight and maintain a healthy body weight.
Child Sleep Problems May Lead to Alcohol Abuse
Tuesday 6th April 2010
New research has unveiled that children who suffer from childhood sleep disorders are more likely to develop drug and alcohol problems as they get older. The study, due to be published in the June issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, found that children who develop sleep disorders in their early childhood are more likely to continue to experience problems sleeping during adolescence and young adulthood. The researchers also found that overtiredness caused by childhood and adolescent sleep problems was directly linked to the later development of drug and alcohol abuse behaviours.
Therapy Could Curb Binge Eating
Monday 5th April 2010
Scientists in America have found that simple therapies could stop people from binge eating. The research, due to be published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, shows that reading a self help book and using talking therapy could dramatically improve the eating habits of binge eaters and help them to lose weight and save money. It is hoped that this research could be used to treat the growing problem of binge eating which is thought to affect over 9 million Americans.
Sunday 4th April
New research shows that soybeans can be successfully used to aid slimming. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that a number of soy proteins acted to limit the accumulation of body fat. The same soy proteins are also thought to be successful anti-inflammatories. Researchers now hope that these findings can developed and used to help tackle growing levels of obesity.
Acupuncture Could Cure Odontophobia
Saturday 3rd April 2010
New research suggests that acupuncture could be used to treat people who are scared of visiting the dentist. Results of the research study, published in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine, shows that acupuncture can be used to successfully calm highly anxious dental patients sufficiently enough to enable them to undergo necessary dental procedures. It is hoped that this research could be used in order to treat people who suffer from Odontophobia: a pathological fear of dentists and dental treatment.
Diabetes UK Launches Election E-Campaign
Friday 2nd April 2010
Diabetes UK has launched an e-campaign that calls on politicians to make diabetes a central issue during the UK’s forthcoming parliamentary election. The organisation claims that politicians must act now in order to ensure that the NHS is able to cope with the ever increasing levels of people developing the disease. The charity hopes to use their internet campaign to persuade politicians to put diabetes at the fore front of their election and parliamentary agendas.
Daily Routine Could be Key to Fighting Insomnia
Thursday 1st April 2010
New research, published today, suggests that maintaining a regular daily routine could be key to improving poor sleep quality and reducing insomnia. The research, published in online journal Sleep, follows from a detailed study of elderly people living in a retirement village in Israel. Researchers who regularly interviewed, monitored and assessed the 96 elderly participants, found that adopting a regular daily routine had multiple benefits.
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