Cost of Tattoo Removal Creams

As with many types of creams there are a number of products on the market which will offer results, you should however be wary and perhaps you should research into reviews and results of the product you wish to choose. One of the most popular is called Rejuvi cream this cream is injected into the skin, and can offer an individual success, the cream pushes the ink to the top of the skin and eventually the ink will be eliminated through scabbing. These injections are to be made by treatments with a clinician, and you may require a number of treatments, this will of course depend on the size and ink used within the tattoo as well as the age. You will need to attend an initial consultation which usually costs around £30 and from then on you will pay for either 15 minute sessions or measurements of the area (i.e removing one square inch) these will range from about £55 to £75 a session, so depending on the size or amount of time needed spent on the removal your final cost will differ. Many clinics will offer packages for certain amounts of time, and this might work out cheaper than paying individually for each session. Another cream which is regularly associated with tattoo removal is Wrecking Balm, this is usually offered in various supplies, for example 3, 6 and 9 months worth and the price will range depending on obviously how much you purchase, wrecking balm can be shipped from America and a 24 application supply costs around $100, regular promotions are run for example where you can buy 2 packs and get one free.

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