Fluorosis & Toothpaste

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When discussing the importance of a good dental hygiene routine earlier, it was mentioned that you should prevent swallowing the toothpaste and should especially try and stop your child from doing so. The reasoning behind limiting your child’s toothpaste intake is due to the fluoride that it contains.

What does fluoride do to children’s teeth?

Between the ages of one and four, a child’s teeth as still only in the early stages of development as the permanent teeth a forming under the milk teeth. If, during these stages, too much fluoride is consumed, spots may form on their teeth. These are normally yellow, brown or black, although occasionally you may notice a mixture. This speck development on the teeth is known as fluorosis.

How long fluorosis lasts

Unless it is a very serious case, fluorosis tends to be eliminated once the permanent teeth come through. If it is a serious case, the child may need to undergo a course of tooth whitening.

How to prevent fluorosis

  • Try and prevent the child from swallowing any of the toothpaste.
  • Only apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush.
  • Fluoride is also is various soft drinks and its content is written on the container (look for the letters, ppmF). If this value is rather high, limit the child’s intake of it.

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