How Long do the Macrolane Results Last?

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Macrolane is in the category of cosmetic procedures that are categorised as a non- permanent procedure and in most cases the treatment is reported to last between 12 to 18 months and of course as with all procedures this time frame can be smaller or larger depending on your body and how your breasts shave responded to the Macrolane injections and the post-surgical care.

Even though to be able to keep the look which you were first given directly after the first course of Macrolane injections you do not have to use the same amount of the gel and injections as your first Macrolane treatment. Therefore, the top-up procedure costs a lot less than first time around and it also takes less time to do, however the risks and the side effects remain the same for every treatment and your body is still in danger of risk such as swellings and infections.

When you go in for the initial consultation with your doctor they will be able to assess how good a candidate you are for the Macrolane treatment, for example by assessing your skins elasticity and the amount of breast tissue that you have and they will then be able to tell you the realistic expectations for your own personal results as Macrolane is a very personal treatment which gives different results to different people.

How Successful is the Macrolane Breast Enhancement?

The end results of Macrolane rely on how well the procedure went. If you get a minimal breast enhancement with the gel the results are obviously not going to last as long as for those patients that have had better results. If you have any side effects such as lumps the surgeon will then have to treat these with a firm massage and therefore this will make the gel beak down much faster and therefore, the results will not last as long.

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Guide to Macrolane