Risks of Revision Rhinoplasty

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The same risks as with your first rhinoplasty are present in revision rhinoplasty. These include:

  • Blood clots (known as ‘haematoma’) or excessive bleeding
  • Blood clot in the lungs (known as ‘pulmonary embolism’)
  • Infected wounds
  • Unexpected or unpleasant reactions to general anaesthetic
  • Scarring
  • Bruising and Swelling

But there are some risks which are more specifically associated with revision rhinoplasty. Some of these may be:

  • Skin problems: This can include allergic reactions to general skin irritations which can result from the nose splint combined with nasal trauma
  • Anosmia: A decrease or impaired sense of smell and sometimes taste
  • Asymmetry: Both sides of the nose may end up looking different or unbalanced
  • Broken capillaries: These may cause bleeding but can be repaired later with laser surgery
  • Bone defects: Irregularities in the bone which may require further surgery to correct
  • Eye injury: This can occur accidentally if the eye is torn during the surgery

It is a good idea to do all you can to decrease the possible risk of complications during your revision rhinoplasty. Stop smoking for at least two weeks prior and six weeks after the surgery. Eat healthily and stay fit before the surgery and remember to rest afterwards. Whilst there is potential risk in revision surgery, the procedure may be necessary to correct any problems which have arisen.

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Guide to Revision Rhinoplasty