How to Prepare for Dermabrasion for Acne Scars

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Your consultant should have fully explained the preparations you should make before you undergo dermabrasion. If you are unsure or do not feel confident about the process do not hesitate to get in touch with your practitioner. It is important to feel confident and relaxed before you begin your treatment. Your consultant may have recommended you take steps specific to your personal condition, for example they may have suggested you follow a specific skincare regime or use a particular ointment. In order to achieve the best dermabrasion results it is important to remember these steps and to follow them. Here are a few, more common steps you may have to take:

If you are a smoker you will be expected to have quit smoking two weeks prior to your treatment. Your pharmacist or nurse should be able to advise and help you with giving up cigarettes. You must also ensure that you have not consumed alcohol immediately before microdermabrasion and that you have not taken any blood-thinning medication or health supplements in the last week. These substances can include things like Aspirin, Vitamin E and fatty fish acids. If you are prone to cold sores you should have been taking the anti-viral medication prescribed for you prior to treatment.

Some good, general advice is to eat healthily, drink plenty of water, exercise and to sleep well before and after the procedure. A healthy lifestyle will ensure your acne scarred skin heals as fast and as well as possible after dermabrasion. Stress is likely to hinder the healing process.

If you are having extensive dermabrasion, which requires a general anaesthetic, you will probably be required to fast from 12am, the morning before your treatment. You do not need anyone to accompany or drive you but you are expected to provide a contact phone number in case of a very unlikely emergency.

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Guide to Dermabrasion for Acne Scars