Can I Have Chemical Skin Peeling for Acne?

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Considering the numerous side effects of chemical skin peeling, the conditions required for undergoing it are relatively few. The best candidate for the procedure has light skin and light hair; they will also not be likely to develop dark scars. This does not mean that people with darker complexions and dark skin will not be able to have the treatment successfully. It simply means that the very best results are often seen in pale-complexioned candidates.

There are a few things that will prohibit you from having a chemical peel and you should not have chemical skin peeling if:

  • You have been on Accutane in the past 12 months
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you have an infection in the treatment area
  • You are a heavy smoker and unable to quit
  • You are prone to developing dark, or obvious scars
  • You are prone to hyperpigmentation
  • You are unable to stay out of the sun for the required healing time
  • If you are likely to be exposed to high amounts of sun in the future and want to use a Phenol peel.
  • You have a dark complexion and wish to use a Phenol peel
  • You have a pre-existing heart condition and wish to have a Phenol peel

Chemical Skin Peels During Pregnancy

You should avoid having any form of chemical skin peel during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although acne that develops during pregnancy can be really unpleasant, it will very often resolve itself quickly after your hormones return to normal. The chemicals in skin peels can very easily make their way into your body and can then be passed on to your foetus or your baby during breastfeeding. This may not be particularly harmful when very light concentrations of AHA are concerned but with stronger concentrations and stronger drugs, there could be serous consequences. No studies have been carried out into the effect of chemical peels during pregnancy but current medical though suggests that they could be very harmful.

« Chemical Skin Peeling for Acne - Appointments & Consultations How to Prepare for a Chemical Skin Peel for Acne »

Guide to Chemical Skin Peels for Acne & Acne Scars