Side Effects of Juvederm & Juvederm Ultra Dermal Filler

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Juvederm’s producers claim that the side-effects related to their product are mild and short-lived – usually lasting up to around 7 days. The side-effects can include: itching; redness; swelling; bruising; firmness; lumps; pain or tenderness; and discolouration. The manufacturers recommend that the product is not used by patients being treated with an immunosuppressant drug, or one that intentionally weakens your immune system; those patients using a treatment which prolong bleeding, such as Ibuprofen or aspirin, although you ought to discuss this with your aesthetic practitioner during your consultation; if you have a history of adverse reaction to gram-positive bacterial proteins; or if you are allergic to lidocaine products.  If you do experience any adverse side-effects and they persist for longer than a week you ought to consult a doctor, and make sure that you thoroughly discuss any consequences with your aesthetics practitioner before opting for any treatment.

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