Velashape Consultation

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Before having Velashape treatment, you will need to go for a consultation with your specialist. This can be done through a number of different ways. One of the most common, and easiest, ways of having a consultation is through e-mail correspondence with your specialist, or through calling them. A number of centres provide a phone or an e-mail contact that you can use to have the consultation. Alternatively, if you would prefer, it is possible to have a consultation face to face. However, if you do choose to have an initial consultation through e-mail or over the phone, then you need to be aware that you will still need to have a proper face-to-face consultation. This is because the procedure can be adjusted to what you feel you want done. During you face-to-face procedure, they will discuss in full the procedure; this is important as you need to know what will happen so that you can give your consent. They will also talk to you about your expectations for the treatment. They will do this because, before going ahead with the treatment, you need to be aware of the limitations of the treatment; this is because while it is a new way of treating cellulite, you need to be aware that it is not the miracle cure that the world has been looking for, it will not give you immediate and incredible results. However, should you choose to go ahead with Velashape then it can be effective love-handles, thighs, stomach and buttocks. On your side of the consultation it is important that you ask any questions that you might have for your consultant. A good question to start with concerns their experience; the more experienced person you can go for the better chance you have of getting good results.

Discussing your medical history and any problems that might occur

During the consultation, your specialist will ask for your medical history. This is important because you need to tell them about any past illnesses or surgeries. This is because anything in your history has the possibility of affecting the outcome of your procedure. A further, and more dangerous problem, is that any past problems that you do not make your consultant aware of, could possibly cause a serious complication, or unexpected side effect that could potentially be dangerous. You should also mention any medication you are taking, including any natural medicine or aspirin. You need to tell these to your doctor because many un-prescribed medicines have the additional side effect of stopping your ability to clot and close up any wound. If you smoke as well, you need to mention it as it is likely that you will need to stop for several weeks prior to the procedure. This is because smoking damages the small blood vessels in your body and therefore can make your healing process slower. 

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