Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry in Malaysia

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Prices of tooth whitening in Malaysia typically start from as low as £50 for the bleaching of a single arch (i.e. either upper or lower jaw) – and in some cases you can get an even better deal! However, do be cautious if the price you ore offered is significantly less, as you should be careful to double-check the clinic’s credentials and in particular the qualifications of the dentist, purely to make sure that the extremely low-cost treatment you are seeking is going to be carried out to an acceptably high standard. Usually you will expect to pay around double this cost for the laser teeth whitening treatment, but again you may find even better deals; Malaysia is often considered to offer some of the most exceptionally low prices for cosmetic dentistry worldwide, if not the lowest. Certainly the saving you will make on the same treatments back in the UK or in Europe is enormous; typically the same treatment will cost upwards of £500 in the UK, representing a massive saving on the best deals in Malaysia. However, you may discover that after taking into account the additional factors – most prominently the costs of flights and accommodation – that you may be making a small loss or a minimal saving. This depends entirely on the particular treatment you are receiving; laser tooth whitening will cost a lot more in the UK and consequently it is more likely you will be able to save considerably more on this treatment than on regular bleaching.

Malaysian clinics tend to offer probably the lowest-priced quality porcelain veneers in the entire world, which makes it an excellent destination to have this treatment done, especially when compared to European costs. These prices can start at a little under £100. As usual be careful, but not necessarily put off, if you find price which are yet lower; just be vigilant when it comes to checking accreditation and qualifications. Once you have considered flights and accommodation you may not seem to be making such a great saving, but if you opt for higher end dentures or crowns the savings you can make on the equivalent treatment in the UK can be astronomical. It also bears consideration that you will be travelling to Malaysia and also receiving the benefits of the culture and a holiday while paying only slightly more, or in most cases significantly less, than you would for just the treatment in the UK. As one of the world’s limited number of ‘megadiverse countries’ (offering an exceptionally large range of biodiversity), the experience has proved very desirable for those seeking a holiday destination, and medical tourists are increasingly beginning to acknowledge these additional advantages of travelling to Malaysia for their treatment.

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