Bladder Problems

As the process of passing urine depends on the correct functioning of many individual muscles and nerves, if any one of these fail to work properly, this could result in loss of bladder control and incontinence.

If the pelvic floor muscles are weak, urine may leak out when the bladder is placed under extra pressure, such as when laughing or coughing. If the sensors in the bladder wall are damaged, you may be unaware of the need to urinate, which can result in sudden and incontrollable urination. If the pelvic nerves or spinal cord are damaged, then the need to urinate may not be communicated with the brain, again resulting in uncontrollable urination.

There are various ways to treat incontinence, based upon which part of the bladder is failing to play its part. For example, the muscles of the bladder may be damaged in childbirth, in which case it is possible to strengthen them using pelvic floor exercises.