Treatments for Incontinence

Treatments for incontinence vary according to the particular type of incontinence which is diagnosed, and the effectiveness of each treatment varies for each individual. In general, you can help to prevent incontinence by keeping your bladder healthy and by practising pelvic floor exercises. In order to keep your bladder healthy, you should drink plenty of fluids - particularly water, fruit juice and fruit or herbal tea – and avoid consuming too much caffeine or alcohol. You can also adopt a healthy diet, which will both prevent constipation and help you stay at a healthy weight – being overweight can put increased pressure on the bladder.

In some cases, medication may be prescribed to treat incontinence. However, as with all treatments for incontinence, the suitability and effectiveness of medication varies for each patient.

There are also various different procedures which can be used to treat incontinence, from bladder Botox injections to placing an artificial sphincter. All types of surgery may involve after-effects and scarring, and should be discussed thoroughly with your doctor before proceeding.

Treatment for Persistent Incontinence

If changes in diet, pelvic floor exercises and medication have failed to alleviate the problems of incontinence, some doctors will recommend surgery. Botox bladder injections are relatively simple – they can be performed under local anaesthetic, and will not require an overnight stay in hospital. The effects will last for approximately 6 and 10 months, and may permanently eradicate the symptoms of incontinence.