Loss Of Libido In Menopause

Many women experience reduced libido (sex drive) when they reach menopause; this may relate to both physical and psychological symptoms, including a lack of interest in sex and vaginal dryness, which is a very common symptom of menopause that can make sex unpleasant and painful.

A lack of interest in sex can cause problems in a relationship and contribute to stress and anxiety. If you are worried about your libido or your sex life is causing you concern, don't hesitate to see your GP; many women go through the same problems and there is nothing to worry or be embarrassed about.

Why does menopause cause loss of libido?

There are various reasons why menopause affects libido, but the decrease in oestrogen levels is the most important. Loss of oestrogen affects all kinds of bodily functions and may result in an increased risk of vaginal dryness, anxiety, stress, hot flushes and night sweats. Some women feel less attractive hen they are going through menopause and this can cause them to be less interested in intimacy and vaginal dryness is a major problem for many, as it tends to make sex painful.

If you are worried about your libido or your sex life has dwindled, there is no shame in seeking help; sex is an important part of many couples' relationships and it's natural to want to address issues. Often, the solution is very simple.

Boosting libido

There are various ways you can try and boost your libido and improve your sex life during menopause. Using lubricant can help to prevent dryness and make sex less painful and avoiding stress can also help. Spending time together, talking about problems or worries and making each other feel special and attractive can also make a huge difference.

Sometimes, reduced libido is linked to anxiety and stress; in this case, it can be beneficial to try and take time out to relax, spend time together and work through some of the issues that are making you feel nervous, agitated or worried. If you can't speak to your partner, see your GP; there are some really effective talking therapies available, which could help to make you feel less anxious and more confident.

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