Pregnancy Detailed Or Anomaly Scans

Available between 17 and 23 weeks, the detailed scan, also known as the anomaly or mid-pregnancy scan, is designed to give a detailed picture of the anatomy of the foetus, monitor the growth of the foetus and flag up potential warning signs related to the structure and size of the baby.

During the detailed scan, the probe will be moved all over your tummy to ascertain clear images of the entire body and enable the sonographer to have a look at the different body parts and take measurements, including the head circumference, the length of the femur and the circumference of the abdomen. The scan will also show the position of the placenta and chart the baby’s movements; it is also possible to learn the sex of the baby in most cases at this stage.

In the event that abnormalities are suspected, these will be discussed with you and you will be advised to undergo further testing; in most cases, these tests are provided by your local NHS antenatal care unit.

This test is also available free of charge on the NHS.

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