Liposuction Recovery

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Most people can leave the clinic/hospital within a few hours of having liposuction.  This is due to most procedures being done with a local anaesthetic and with little amounts of pain or other discomfort.  However, all procedures are different and your own recovery will be discussed with you by your liposuction surgeon.  It is highly recommended that you take their advice to aid a speedy recovery.

You might be quite uncomfortable after liposuction and may need some help around the house for the first couple of days.  Within the first week of the surgery you might experience some pain, but this is easily controlled using everyday pain medication.  You may be required to wear a support bandage over the areas that have been treated for up to two weeks after your liposuction.  This can help to quicken the pace of your recovery and stop any unwanted or continuous drainage, although the use of support bandages is growing less common as liposuction techniques advance.  It will depend on your surgeon and the extent of your liposuction as to whether or not one of these will be necessary.  Generally people will take a week off work to allow for recovery after liposuction, and within a month most normal activities can be returned to.  

Massage to Aid Liposuction Recovery

Some people start programmes of massage to the areas that have been treated to prevent any build up of fat cells and help to quicken swelling reduction.  Massage has been proven to stimulate blood flow, and this can help with your body to absorb fat easier, leading to quicker results after liposuction.  If this is deemed necessary or valuable in your case then your surgeon will advise you on this. 

Diet & Exercise

In order to prevent the return of unwanted fat deposits it is important to diet and exercise accordingly after liposuction.  This is not just to maintain your shape, but also to ensure that your skin remains regular, as major weight loss or weight gain can cause the skin to wrinkle or pock, causing irregularities upon the surface.  Without an effective diet and exercise regime you can easily gain weight, although this is unlikely to happen in the same way you gained weight before.  Generally, your shape will remain the same although you will get bigger. 

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