Risks of Dental Implants in Cyprus

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In any top-quality healthcare nation, especially those under EU dental regulation, you can be well assured of a general high standard of treatment. However, there are nonetheless risks with dental implants that can manifest regardless of the quality of the dentist or clinic.

The most prevalent risk of dental implant treatment is failure of the osseointegration process. If the bone and implant do not properly fuse together then the treatment as a whole will be a failure, and this can result in several difficulties, including infection. In most cases when the osseointegration process does not complete, or does not begin, the patient is simply left with a loose implant, which, although infection is possible, does not tend to cause too many problems, and then the option exists to try again with a different implant. In some cases the failure can cause more severe problems which will require additional treatment to resolve, but these are rare. The main problem is the difficulty in returning to Cyprus. Although it can be cheap and the flights take around 4 and a half hours, getting a flight immediately back once you have noticed a problem can be extremely difficult, so it is important to have a backup plan sorted with your UK dentist.

Risks during the recovery period following dental implant treatment in Cyprus

Immediately after the dental implant treatment, your mouth will be most at risk, as it takes about two weeks to fully heal (and in fact longer if you have had gum or bone grafting). Typically it is advisable to remain in Cyprus until such time as the dentist thinks the healing is complete. Although Cyprus dentists are renowned for attending to every need of patients as they can, you should still find out what kind of sensations you can expect from the implant at first, so you can judge if anything is amiss, although again it is likely that they will do this regardless.

Although you cannot reduce the risks of the procedure any more than by being diligent in your selection of dentist, what you can do is make sure you are in a position to be quickly seen to if you do notice any problems. The best way to do this is to establish contact between your Cyprus and UK dentists, either personally (possibly though unlikely with an interpreter, as Greek, Turkish and English are the main languages spoken, and all three are understood by a substantial portion of the population), or through your medical tourism provider. This simply means that your UK dentist will have all the necessary information and consequently be properly prepared to assess and treat your individual case if you have a problem.

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