Frequently Asked Questions about Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation/Enlargement

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How long does fat transfer breast augmentation last?

The great thing about fat transfer breast augmentation is that the results often last a lifetime. This means that many women won't need any further surgeries once the fat has been transferred to the breasts. Because the fat has come from your own body, there will be no rejection and you will be left with natural results. You can undergo the procedure once, with one recovery period and not have to worry about it thereafter!

However, your body may reabsorb some of the fat transferred to the breasts leaving you with smaller breasts than you'd hoped for. If this happens, it is possible to undergo the treatment again to top them up. This is likely to happen to everyone to some extent but the body will stop doing this 6 months after the procedure. The results 6 months after the procedure is what you'll be left with for life. This is not to say, however, that your breasts will not change at all after this. Your body will still undergo any natural changes that occur with ageing and time. However, the extent of this can be limited if you look after your health and fitness.

How painful is fat transfer to breasts?

During the procedure, you will not experience any pain. This is because you will be sedated with general or local anaesthesia, meaning you won't feel a thing! As with any cosmetic surgery, there is a chance that you will experience some pain afterwards. However, for fat transfer breast augmentation this is often very small. This is because your surgeon will make tiny incisions using just a needle to extract the fat from your body and then inject it into your breasts. In most cases you won't even need stitches! Many women, in fact, opt for fat transfer for breast augmentation because it's pain free and the recovery is very quick. You could be left with some bruising and swelling in the areas that your surgeon has operated but this should subside within 3 weeks. From this, you could experience minimal aching and discomfort. The time in which it takes for the bruising to recover will depend on the number of incisions made by your surgeon.

Do I have enough fat for fat transfer?

Fat transfer breast augmentation, of course, involves taking fat from one or more areas of the body to the breasts. To extract the fat, your surgeon will use liposuction. For people that are very slim and don't have much body fat, fat transfer breast augmentation will not be the best option. Your surgeon will be limited and won't be able to change the shape and size of your breasts as much as you may want. The ideal patient has sufficient amounts of fat around the buttocks, thighs, hips and stomach. Furthermore, there is a greater chance of your body reabsorbing the fat after the procedure if you don't have much body fat overall.

If you don't have enough body fat for the procedure, there are a number of options for you. You could choose to have breast implants. This will give you similar results to fat transfer breast augmentation surgery and the implants can come in whatever size you like. You could also have a breast lift if you simply want perkier breasts. Finally, you could try to gain fat for liposuction. However, the best candidate for the surgery is someone who is at a stable and healthy weight.

Am I an ideal candidate for fat transfer to breasts?

There are a number of factors that determine whether fat transfer breast augmentation is the right surgery for you. These can dictate the success and effectiveness of the surgery.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is ideal if you:

-Have plenty of body fat available

-Have a stable body weight

-Don't plan on having any more children

-Have asymmetric breasts

-Have thin skin

-Want lasting results

Can fat transfer breast augmentation be used after breast cancer surgery?

Many women look into different types of breast augmentation surgery after having breast cancer surgery. This can help restore your original breast shape and size if you are unhappy after the surgery. Fat transfer breast augmentation is a perfectly safe option. Breast cancer surgery can make your breasts look smaller, uneven and asymmetric. Depending on your situation, there are a number of treatments that you can undergo to restore your confidence and body. You can choose to have a fat transfer alone. This works well when you don't want a significant change in the size of the breast or breasts. The surgeon can use fat injections to sculpt your breasts back into shape, correcting any unevenness and asymmetry. You can also have a silicone or saline implant with a fat transfer. Having an implant alone can look strange on breasts that have significantly reduced in size. The surgeon can use fat transfer to sculpt your breasts and give a more natural look.

Guide to Breast Augmentation/Enlargement using a Transfer of Fat