Preparing for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation/Enlargement

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Before your fat transfer breast augmentation, your surgeon will inform you on how to prepare for the procedure and any steps that you must take in advance. This can be advice that is specific to your case as well as universal steps that everyone that is preparing for fat transfer breast augmentation should take.

As with any surgery, it is best to be in your healthiest condition. In preparation, therefore, it is a good idea to keep a healthy diet, remain fit and refrain from activities such as smoking and drinking. This will help ensure that both the procedure and the recovery period are as smooth as possible and will minimise the risk of any complications. You could also prepare your living conditions at home to ensure that you are at ease when recovering from your fat transfer breast augmentation. This can include preparing meals for a few days. The last thing you'll want when you are exhausted from surgery is to have the burden of cooking up all your meals. Preparing and even freezing some food in advance can reduce this burden and make your life a little easier. You could also make sure that everything you might need is accessible such as water, medication and a bin. This will make everything just that little bit easier and you won't have to move around the house as much. You will want to devote the days after your fat transfer breast augmentation to getting the best rest you can and anything you can do to prepare for this will be beneficial. Informing a close friend or family member about your surgery may also be beneficial. They can keep an eye on you and drop by after your fat transfer breast augmentation to make sure that you are keeping well and recovering safely.


During your consultation with the surgeon, they will inform you of any medication that you must refrain from taking and any guidance that is specific to your case. They will ask you details about what medication you are taking (if any) and assess whether it is safe for you to proceed consuming these in the run up to your surgery. For example, you may be taking some medication that can increase the chances of complications from the surgery. Your surgeon will ask you about this and either suggest different medication or instruct you to stop taking them for some time. If you are worried about this and have any questions about any medication or medical conditions, be sure to bring this up with your surgeon. They will reassure you and provide you with solutions.

Maintain a weight you are happy with

For your fat transfer breast augmentation, fat will be removed from certain areas of your body and transferred to your breasts. Any fluctuations in your weight following the procedure could affect your results and change the shape of your breasts. For example, if you plan on losing weight after your surgery, you will lose fat and your breasts can reduce in size. This is because the fat stored there has been lost. Therefore, it is best to get to a weight that you are happy with and are comfortable with maintaining. Losing extreme amounts of weight prior to the surgery may not be realistic and you are likely to slip back into old habits in the future. Similarly, if you put on lots of weight you may become unhappy with your body and decide you want to lose some in the future. Maintaining a realistic body image and goal will not only mean that you get the best results from the surgery, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you are at a weight that is easy to keep.


Smoking can have detrimental effects on your organs, especially your heart and lungs. These organs are essential for your recovery. They ensure that your circulatory system is performing all the correct functions and your breasts are getting enough oxygen to heal. If quitting altogether seems too difficult, it is a good idea to stop for a while just before your surgery to allow your organs some time to heal. Even a few days without smoking can allow for a large change. This will put your organs in the best condition possible to aid your recovery from fat transfer breast augmentation.


It is also a good idea to reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol also puts strain on your organs. This means that your body will be trying to combat any damage that alcohol may have done to your body at the same time as healing the incisions at your breasts. Therefore, less resources will be allocated to recovering from your surgery which can slow and inhibit the recovery process.

Guide to Breast Augmentation/Enlargement using a Transfer of Fat