Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Implant Removal Surgery

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When can I go back to work after breast implant removal?

Following your breast implant removal surgery, you will feel tired and some discomfort. Not only will you need to take time off work during this period because of the pain, but also to give your body time to rest and recover. In the weeks following the procedure, recovery will be your main priority and you may have to take some time off work to allow for this. The time you need to take depends on the nature of your occupation and how long your body takes to heal. Your surgeon will discuss this with you during and after your procedure.

Most women choose to take a week or so off work. By this point your body will be clear of any anaesthetics so you shouldn’t feel as drowsy as you did when you came out of the operating theatre. You may feel some discomfort if you choose to go to work as early as this and as long as your job doesn’t require that you engage in too much physical labour, it is safe to start working.

If possible, you may opt to work from home whilst your body recovers. This means that you can dress more comfortably and you will not have to worry about getting to work (you should not drive for a few weeks after your surgery). Working from home will also allow you to take more time to rest and sleep. You may find yourself more tired than usual after your breast implant removal surgery. This is because your body is recovering and it is important that you allocate enough time for rest.

When should you get my breast implants removed in relation to pregnancy?

Many women opt to have their breast implants removed before they have children. This is strictly a personal preference. In most cases, you can still breastfeed with the implants so many choose to simply leave them. This is dependent on how the surgery was performed. If you are worried about this, ask your surgeon and they will provide you with answers and solutions. The implants themselves will be fine and there is no need to do this before giving birth. 

If, however, you want the implants to be removed it is best to have this done before pregnancy and allow a substantial amount of time for your body to recover after the surgery which can take around 6 to 8 weeks. Your body will be going through many changes whilst you are pregnant so it is best to give it time to heal from the surgery before this. If you do get pregnant during your recovery, do not worry. The likelihood of any complications are low considering there will be a substantial period of time before you actually give birth. Just be sure to let your surgeon know and they will monitor you closely to ensure everything goes smoothly.

How long does it take to recover after breast implant removal?

Everyone’s body is different so recovery times from breast implant removal vary. This is dependent on a number of factors. Genetically, you may be better equipped to heal than others but there are many aspects that you can control to influence your recovery time.

Your own health can affect how long it takes for you to recover. If you smoke or drink a lot of alcohol, your recovery time will slow. For this reason, many people try to quit or reduce these habits before undergoing breast implant removal surgery. It can ensure that your organs function better and reduces the risk of any complications. Your diet can also influence your recovery time. Having a good diet and avoiding processed foods will keep your insides healthy and equip you with the fuel your body needs to heal itself. 

It is also important that you follow any instructions that the nurse and surgeon give you whilst you recover. You may be given medication to help with pain, you will also be advised to restrict movement and you will be recommended to rest properly in the weeks after your breast implant removal surgery. Listening to the advice you are given and following it carefully can ensure that you have the fastest recovery possible.

After around 6 weeks, any soreness, pain or sensitivity should subside. This is, of course, dependent on how you look after yourself in the weeks after your breast implant removal surgery. For some, it may be longer and for others, it may take less time. If at this point you are experiencing more pain or don’t seem to be recovering, it is important to contact your surgeon and get checked. They will check for any complications and are able to determine why this has happened.

How do breasts look after implant removal surgery?

You may be worried about how your breasts will change after breast implant removal surgery. Having had breast implants for years, you will be used to this and may not know what to expect. Initially after your surgery, your breasts may appear deflated, saggy and maybe even slightly caved in. However, after a few weeks the skin will begin to tighten and many women are left with their original breast shape and size. If you are worried about this happening, your surgeon will discuss this with you during the consultation. The likelihood and severity of this happening will depend on a number of factors such as your age, any stretching of the skin and your overall health. They may suggest that you consider having implant replacements or a breast lift at the same time as your breast implant removal surgery depending on your individual goals. If you are still unsure, however, they may offer to deflate the implants before removing them, giving you time to consider whether you’d like any of these treatments with the removal. It is important to take your time when considering which surgeries to go ahead with; it is a big decision. Your surgeon will understand this and do anything they can to ensure that you end up with the results you desire.

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Guide to Breast Implant Removal