Reasons for having Breast Implant Removal Surgery

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There are several reasons why you may want to consider breast implant removal surgery.  You may be finding them painful and heavy. You may find them inconvenient. You may simply decide that you no longer want implants and desire a more natural look. Furthermore, breast implants are not permanent and will eventually need to be replaced. They have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years and should be checked annually for any issues.

There are a number of signs that you need your breast implants removed. You will discuss these with your surgeon during the consultation and they may recommend that breast implant removal is the best way for you to resolve these issues.


The body may see the implant as a foreign object and try to remove it. This can happen if the implant is not placed properly or if there is an infection around the implant. Another reason for rejection is that the body may not be able to produce enough collagen to support the implant. This can happen if the patient has a very thin chest wall or if they have had previous surgery in the area. If rejection occurs, it is usually within the first few months after surgery but can occur years later. Treatment for rejection includes removing the implant and any surrounding tissue. In some cases, a new implant can be placed after the rejection has healed. Your surgeon will assess your individual case and inform you as to whether replacement is an option.


There are many potential causes of pain from breast implants, and this can sometimes mean that removal surgery is necessary. Breast implants can cause pain due to a variety of factors, including pressure on the nerves, inflammation, and capsular contracture (scar tissue formed around the implant that contracts and squeezes the implant, causing the breasts to harden). In some cases, pain from breast implants is caused by an underlying medical condition such as mastitis (breast infection) or Breast Implant Illness (BII). Back and neck pain are also common complications of breast implants. The pain is caused by the weight of the implants, which can put strain on the back and neck muscles. In some cases, the pain can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities. If you are experiencing pain from your breast implants, it is important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine which treatment is best for you. Removal surgery may be recommended in some cases to relieve pain and other symptoms associated with breast implants.


It's not uncommon for women to experience some swelling after getting breast implants. This is usually due to the surgery itself and should resolve within a few weeks. However, in some cases, the swelling can persist or even worsen, which may be a sign that the implants need to be removed. If you're concerned about swelling from your breast implants, talk to your doctor to see if they need to be removed.


If you have leaking breast implants, it is important to understand that this does not necessarily mean that you need to have them removed. In some cases, leaking can occur due to factors such as implant rupture or capsular contracture, and in these instances removal surgery may be recommended. However, in other cases leaking may simply be the result of normal wear and tear on the implants, and in these cases removal is not usually necessary. If you are concerned about leaking breast implants, your best course of action is to speak with your surgeon to discuss your options.

Calcium buildup

There are a few reasons why breast implants can cause calcium deposits to build up around the implant. One reason is that when the breast implant is inserted, it can damage the surrounding tissues. This damage can lead to the formation of calcium deposits as the body tries to repair the damaged tissue. Another reason for calcium deposits is that the breast implant itself can be a source of calcium. This is because some breast implants are made with materials that contain calcium. Over time, this calcium can leach out of the implant and into the surrounding tissue, causing calcium deposits to form.

If you have breast implants and you notice a buildup of calcium around the implant, it's important to talk to your doctor. This is because the calcium deposits can sometimes lead to problems with the implant, such as pain, inflammation, or rupture. In some cases, the calcium deposits may even require that the breast implant be removed surgically.


Necrosis is a medical condition in which body tissue dies. It leads to discolouration of the skin and can become black or brown. This can happen when the blood supply to the tissue is cut off, or when there is damage to the cells themselves. Necrosis can occur in any part of the body, including the breasts. Breast implants may cause necrosis if they block the blood supply to the breast tissue. This can happen if the implant is placed over a blood vessel, or if it presses on surrounding tissues and cuts off their blood supply. Necrosis may also occur if the implant leaks or ruptures, causing inflammation and damage to nearby tissues.

If necrosis occurs, it is important to seek medical treatment immediately. The affected tissue may need to be removed surgically, and the implant may need to be removed as well. In some cases, necrosis may resolve on its own without treatment. However, it is important to be aware of the possibility of necrosis and to seek medical help if necrosis occurs.

Movement of one or both of the implants

In some cases, movement of breast implants may mean that removal surgery is necessary. However, in other cases, the movement may not be cause for concern. It is important to speak with your doctor if you are concerned about the movement of your breast implants. They will be able to assess the situation and determine if surgery is necessary.

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Guide to Breast Implant Removal