Risks of Breast Implant Removal Surgery

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While the risks of breast implant removal surgery are relatively low, they are still something to be aware of before undergoing the procedure. If you are considering breast implant removal surgery, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to answer any questions you have and help you make an informed decision about whether or not the surgery is right for you.


Infection is a major complication associated with breast implant removal surgery. To minimise the risk of infection, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions given by your surgeon. This includes keeping the incision site clean and dry, taking antibiotics as prescribed, and attending all follow-up appointments. The risk of infection is highest in the first two weeks after surgery, but can occur any time thereafter. Infections can develop at the incision site or around the breast implants themselves. If you have an infection, you may experience some redness, swelling, pain or even discharge from the incision site, and fever. If left untreated, infections can lead to serious health complications including blood poisoning (sepsis) and death. Infections are more likely to occur in patients who have had previous breast surgeries, have diabetes, or have a weakened immune system. If you develop any symptoms of an infection, it is important to contact your surgeon immediately. With prompt treatment, most infections can be successfully treated. 


In many cases bleeding is normal and the surgeon may use a drain to collect any blood or fluid after the surgery. However, bleeding can also be caused by the use of anticoagulants (blood thinners) or indicate that an infection is present. Treatment for bleeding after breast implant removal surgery may include medication, transfusions, and/or surgery. If you experience any unexpected bleeding please consult your surgeon and have the problem checked.

Anaesthesia complications

Anaesthesia is a vital part of any surgery, and breast implant removal surgery is no exception. anaesthesia can help to control pain, minimize bleeding, and ensure that the patient remains safe and comfortable throughout the procedure. However, as with any type of anaesthesia, there is always a risk of complications.

The most common complication from anaesthesia is nausea and vomiting. This can usually be controlled with medication, but in some cases it may require additional treatment. Other potential complications from anaesthesia include:

- Allergic reactions

- Bleeding

- Infection

- Nerve damage

- Organ damage

- Respiratory problems

- Stroke

While the vast majority of patients will not experience any serious complications from anaesthesia during breast implant removal surgery, it is important to be aware of the risks before undergoing the procedure. Other factors can increase the risk of anaesthesia-related complications such as your BMI (those with a higher BMI are at a higher risk), whether you smoke, sleep apnea and your age. Older patients are more likely to experience these problems. Your surgeon will discuss this with you during the consultation to ensure your safety. 


Breast implant removal surgery is a procedure that carries a risk of scarring. The degree of scarring depends on the individual, but it can be significant in some cases. In general, the larger the breast implants and the more extensive the surgery, the greater the risk of scarring. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of scars after breast implant removal surgery, including:

-The size and type of breast implants used

-The amount of tissue removed

-The technique used for breast implant removal

-The skill of the surgeon

Patients should be aware of the potential for scarring before undergoing breast implant removal surgery. Those who are concerned about scarring may wish to consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist beforehand to get a better idea of the potential risks involved. Each case is different and will depend on any previous cosmetic surgeries.

Nerve damage

Nerve damage can occur when the surgeon cuts through the breast tissue, accidentally damaging the nerves. This can cause pain, numbness, or tingling in the breast area.  Breast implant surgery itself can cause nerve damage and this can be worsened when having them removed. In some cases, the nerve damage may be permanent. If you are considering breast implant removal surgery. If you have already lost all sensation within the breasts this does not pose a risk. It is important to discuss this risk with your surgeon beforehand and may be a case of personal preference.


Removing breast implants is a major surgery. As with any surgery, there is always the risk of pain and discomfort afterwards. This is a sign that the breasts are recovering from the surgery and will develop as the anaesthesia wears off. You will also be provided with pain killers for the first few days after undergoing the surgery to relieve some of the pain. For most women, this pain is manageable and will go away within a few weeks along with any swelling and bruising. However, for some women the pain can be more severe and last for several months. If you are experiencing pain after breast implant removal surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor. They will be able to determine if the pain is normal or if there is something else going on that needs to be treated.


Breast implant removal surgery is a very common procedure, and usually results in no asymmetry. However, there is always a risk of some degree of asymmetry after the surgery. This may be due to the nature of the surgery itself, or it may be due to the way the body heals afterwards. There are several factors that can contribute to asymmetry after breast implant removal surgery, and understanding them can help you make sure that you get the best possible results.

One of the most common causes of asymmetry after breast implant removal surgery is uneven healing. This can happen for a number of reasons, including different rates of healing in different parts of the body, or different amounts of scar tissue formation. It can also be caused by changes in the breast tissue itself, such as loss of elasticity. These changes can happen over time, and may not be apparent immediately after surgery. After surgery, the breasts do not necessarily return back to their original shape and can droop or sag in areas. Discuss this with your plastic surgeon and if you are worried about this there is always the possibility of having a breast lift at the same time as having your breast implants removed.

If you are concerned about asymmetry after breast implant removal surgery, there are a number of things that you can do to minimize the risk. First, make sure to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who has experience in performing this type of surgery. Second, be sure to communicate your goals and expectations with your surgeon so that they can be taken into account when planning your surgery. Finally, follow all post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of asymmetry.

Seroma formation

Seroma formation is a common complication after breast implant removal surgery. A seroma is a collection of serous fluid that can accumulate under the skin. This fluid can build up over time and cause the skin to become stretched and wrinkled. In some cases, seromas can also lead to infection. There are several factors that increase the risk of seroma formation after breast implant removal surgery. One of the most important factors is the size and location of the incision. Larger incisions and those made in the crease under the breast are more likely to result in seroma formation. Other risk factors include previous surgery, obesity, and smoking. 

Seroma formation can be prevented by using smaller incisions and avoiding the crease under the breast. In some cases, your surgeon may also place drains in the area to help remove serous fluid. If a seroma does form, it is usually not harmful and will resolve on its own over time. However, in some cases, seromas can become infected and may require treatment with antibiotics. If the skin becomes stretched and wrinkled, be sure to inform your surgeon to minimise any risk of infection.

Skin discolouration

Skin discoloration after breast implant removal surgery can occur for a number of reasons. The incisions made during the surgery can cause scarring. Fortunately, skin discoloration after breast implant removal surgery is usually temporary and will eventually fade on its own. However, if you are concerned about skin discoloration, please consult with your surgeon. There are a number of treatments that can help speed up the fading process.

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