Prices & Sizes of Surgical Compression Garments

The prices of surgical compression garments do vary due to the type of garment that you want and the size that you require.

Compression garments that are included in surgery price

The first thing to consider before going ahead and purchasing your compression garment is to check whether or not this is included in the price of your surgery. This is because some clinics do cover the cost of compression garments in the total price of the post-surgical care. The second thing to consider before buying the garment is the amount of swelling that the surgery could potentially create. You should ensure that if the garment has to have hooks on it (for example a surgical bra) then it should have two sets so that you can change the hook settings rather than having to buy a second garment.

If you are with a clinic that does not offer this in the total price, then the best and often cheapest place to purchase the compression garments is on the internet. Some retailers will be able to offer you a discount on the total price of your order especially if you are buying more than one garment at a time.

Sizes of compression garments

When buying the compression garments they will normally be listed in these sizes;

  • Extra small
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large
  • Extra extra large

These size categories are the same for both men and women, although the male sizes are slightly bigger. When buying the compression garments you will be able to find out the exact measurements so you can be sure that you are buying the correct size. 

Prices of compression garments

Because of the huge difference in prices, listed below are just some of the many different types of compression garments and their average prices that you will typically find;

  • Surgical bras - £20 to £100
  • Abdominal compression garments  - £50 - £100
  • Body shorts – £70 - £150
  • Full body compression garments - £100 - £250

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